34} The Seven Stages

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Five and Jenna arrived in the alleyway, pacing uncontrollably around for Five's siblings to arrive in a timely manner; which they weren't doing. As soon as Five pulled the briefcase from the dumpster, Luther came running from around the corner.
"Hey," He said, out of breath, "Where is everyone?"
"You're the first, big boy," Jenna patted him on the back.
"Hey, I'm here," Bill arrived, "And I think your other brother, well, one of them, is here now too."
Klaus came running through with his arms outstretched, "We made it!"
"What do you mean 'we'?" Five asked.
Klaus started doing what looked like the sprinkler and yelled, "Get out! Out!"
From that, he projectile vomited. Jenna gagged at the sight, especially seeing Ben in the mess, and buried her face in Five's shoulder, "I have a weak stomach right now. I can't do this."

"I can't believe it," Luther threw his hands in the air, "I mean, you're here!"
"We got eight minutes left," Five shook his head while looking at his watch and rubbing Jenna's back, "Where are the others!?"
"Probably either fighting to the death somewhere or jerking off," Jenna pulled her head away from Five, "Who knows with this family."
Jenna sat on the ground with Bill next to the dumpster while the watches ticked away.

"So, you're really going back home?" Bill looked at her.
"I should be, but knowing my in-laws, we won't be anytime soon."
"Well, if you do go, just know that I'm really sorry about the kiss."
"No, let me finish. I'd grown to really like you these past couple months and I let my feelings get the best of me even though I knew you were married. I seriously didn't think that Five would ever come back, so I let my emotions tumble out of control. You don't deserve that and neither does Five. I really am sorry."
"I forgive you, Bill. And just know, I really like you too, just not like that. I don't wanna mess up the timeline, so I won't give details, but just know that we're related. Pretty closely."
"Oh, shit."
"Yeah. That's why I said that nothing could happen between us. It had nothing to do with you as person and everything to do with avoiding incest and cheating on my husband, got it?"
"Yes, ma'am. Are you sure you can't tell me how we're related? I wanna know now."
"I can't. I will fuck up the timeline. You'll figure it out in a few years, trust me."
"I'm sure I will, Jenna."

"Where is everyone!?" Luther exclaimed, "We only have one more minute!"
"What's going on, guys?" Klaus choked out, "Are we going somewhere?"
"It was a simple task," Five yelled, "A simple task! All we had to do was be here! Didn't have to fight a giant sea monster, no. An army of mutants? Nein. It was handed to us on a silver platter."
"Could you just moan a little softer? My head is killing me." Klaus whined.
Jenna stood up to help calm Five down, but he was tok outraged to care and got in Klaus' face, "Listen to me, you useless puke bag, we just blew our chance to save the world!"
Jenna looked down to see the briefcase going berserk and made a ton of whirring noises.
"Ah, shit," She threw it as far away as she could only to watch it teleport on its own to 2019.
"We were that close," Five leaned on Jenna's shoulder, "That close."

"Now what?" Luther wondered aloud.
"Now nothing, Luther, all right?" Five was losing it, "Make your peace with god."
"What? What about Allison and Vanya?"
"Screw them both. They should have been here."
"What about Diego?" Klaus groaned, "He's quite a responsible young man, no?"
"Something must've happened to them," Luther reasoned.
"Screw Diego, all right?" Five kicked a few boxes, "Screw everybody! I was better off in the apocalypse with Jenna and my son."
"Five! Come on," Jenna tried again to calm him down, and failed again.
"You know what?" Five threw his hands in the air which were pulled down by Jenna, "It's every sibling for themself now. How 'bout that? Come on, Jen. Let's head inside."
"I'm sorry," Jenna gave the other two boys a weak smile before following her husband inside.

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