12} Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now

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All three of them popped into the Commission just like they'd done countless times prior, but for a completely new reason this time.
"I must admit, you two," The Handler smirked as they waltzed down the sidewalk to the main building, "In all the time that I've been here, I've never met anyone quite like you two. Hazel and Cha Cha, for example, are talented, certainly, but... they can't see the big picture."
I think you're just talking to my husband here, lady. I don't see any picture. Just cow shit.

"You two just have spunk, enterprising spirits, well, it reminds me a great deal of myself," She wrapped an arm around Five to which Jenna nudged her out of the way and scowled at her. She brushed her off and continued, "If things work out for you here, you could potentially make a fine successor, Five."
They walked into the building finally and Jenna felt so uncomfortable. Everyone was staring at her as they passed by. Her friends. Her neighbors. Now all they did was hate her.

"I'd like to discuss the logistics of my family's safety," Five told the Handler.
"One thing, dear," She held a finger up to him, "Herb! Would you mind taking Jenna here to get a briefcase? I've put her back in corrections for the time being. She'll be working alone, we know how the last partner of hers turned out... severely burnt!" She laughed, but got no response other than Jenna looking solemnly at the ground, "Uh hem. Anyways, please take her with you."
"Wait, why isn't she going with me?" Five questioned.
"Because I don't have enough room for the two of you. Plus, I can't have both of my best agents taken from the field like that."
"No buts Five, unless you'd like to go back to corrections with her."
"I'll be fine, okay?" Jenna squeezed his hand and then whispered in his ear, "I have a plan. Don't worry. I won't be here long."
"Alright, Love," He kissed her cheek, "I'll see you later."

"So, how's it hangin' Herby?" Jenna nudged him in the shoulder.
"Better now that you're back," he laughed, "Breakroom poker hasn't been the same without you."
"Oh, I bet. So, let's cut to the chase here: we both know there's no way in hell that I'm actually going back out into corrections. So, I'll just be taking a briefcase and doing a bit of traveling on my own, okay?"
"I don't know... I was already in trouble for helping you the last time."
"Where's Lila?"
"What? Why?"
"Just blame it on her. I was training her after all. Plus, the Handler won't get mad at her. She loves that kid. Just get me a briefcase, Herb. When I can, I promise to help take you somewhere where you can get a doughnut and take pictures of swans."
"Oh, I'd love that. I'll see what I can do."

They shuffled through the halls all the way down to the Infinite Switchboard. There, she looked up where Alice would be around the time she left. Conveniently, it was right near the Umbrella Academy. She gave Herb a thumbs up and they moseyed on down the the briefcase room.
"Be careful, Jenna," Herb told her as he handed it to her.
"Aren't I always?" She smirked.
As she was about to leave, she looked out the window to find Five and the Handler looking in. Jenna gave him a smile and nod before walking away.
Here goes nothing.

She traveled straight to the Academy, apparently right in the middle of a family discussion.
"Little sis is back!" Klaus clapped.
"Where did you and my low-life brother leave to?" Luther pointed a finger at her.
"No time to explain. I have somewhere to be. Bye! Love you, Klausy!" Jenna blew him a kiss and ran out the door with the briefcase in hand.
She ran down the street and threw herself in front of Alice's car.
"What the fuck, Jenna!?" Alice yelled out her window.
"Sorry... I have a question," Jenna phased through and into the car, "Could- could you take me to see Steve?"
"Of course! I just have to clock out."

Jenna and Alice cruised down the highway for what felt like hours.
"It's a bit of a drive, you know," Alice looked over at Jenna, "He lives a bit out in the country."
"I would hope so. City life would never suit him. He always wanted to move out, get a farm maybe, and have like six little Harrington nuggets. I'll never forget."
"I don't know if he'll be able to comprehend your presence, Jelly Belly. He's had so many issues since you left... again. So has Dustin."
"Could I see him, too?"
"Only if he's still at Steve's. It's his visiting day and he lives like two hours away. He normally stays for a while, but we'll see."

Dysfunctional ~ F.HargreevesWhere stories live. Discover now