6~ The Pursuit

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Authors pov

The six brothers sat quietly in their car, parked in the shadows outside the supermarket where Hoseok worked. The tension in the air was thick as they waited for him to finish his shift. They had tried everything—gifts, charm, even subtle persuasion—but Hoseok had rejected them at every turn. The constant refusals were infuriating, bruising their pride in a way they had never experienced before. It was time to take matters into their own hands.

Jin, sitting in the driver's seat, suddenly perked up, pointing toward the supermarket's exit. "There he is," he whispered.

The others looked in the direction he was pointing and saw Hoseok stepping out of the building, his phone in hand, distracted as he walked toward home. This was their moment.

Jin nodded to the others, and they quickly prepared the chloroform-soaked rag, knowing that it would knock out even the strongest person with just one breath.

"Let's do this," Namjoon ordered the chauffeur, who started the engine and slowly began to follow Hoseok down the quiet street.

Hoseok, oblivious at first, was engrossed in a conversation on his phone. But when he heard the hum of an engine behind him, he glanced over his shoulder and noticed the black car following him. It looked out of place, and his heart skipped a beat as unease began to creep in.

He shrugged it off at first, trying to focus on his phone, but when the car made the same turn he did, his unease turned into full-blown panic.

Quickening his pace, Hoseok made another turn toward his home. When the car followed suit, he broke into a run, his fingers shaking as he dialed 911. The phone rang, but before the operator could even get a word out, Hoseok screamed into the phone, "Someone's following me—they're trying to kidnap me!"

"Sir, please stay calm," the operator began, but Hoseok cut her off, shouting, "I can't calm down! They're right behind me!"

Suddenly, the car sped up and swerved in front of Hoseok, cutting off his path. The door flew open, and the chauffeur, a large man with a cold expression, stepped out. Hoseok turned to run, but the man was faster, chasing him down as Hoseok screamed into the phone for help.

A loud gunshot rang out, freezing Hoseok in his tracks. The bullet had missed him, but it was a clear warning. "Drop the phone!" the chauffeur ordered, and Hoseok, terrified, obeyed, tossing his phone to the ground.

Before he could react further, the man lunged at him, clamping the rag over Hoseok's mouth and nose. Hoseok's eyes widened in panic as he struggled not to breathe in, but he couldn't hold his breath for long. The strong chemical scent overwhelmed him, and he felt his consciousness slipping away as the man's arms wrapped around him, supporting his weight as he blacked out.

The last thing Hoseok heard was the muffled sound of the car door closing behind him as everything went dark.

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