16~ Owned and Broken

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Authors pov

Hoseok lay on the bed, face down, his back exposed to the ceiling. The sheets beneath him were already stained with the remnants of blood that had escaped from the fresh wounds on his back. His skin was a canvas of raw, angry welts, crisscrossing in a pattern that told the story of the brutality he had endured.

Taehyung sat beside him, a rag in hand, wiping away the blood that still oozed from the deep gashes. The coolness of the water brought little relief; instead, it seemed to intensify the sting, causing Hoseok to gasp, his hands clenching the bedsheets so tightly his knuckles turned white. He tried to suppress his cries, his breath hitching in his throat, but every swipe of the rag tore another sound from his lips.

When Taehyung was done wiping the blood, though some continued to flow sluggishly down Hoseok’s back, he shushed Hoseok softly, a cruel mockery of comfort. Hoseok wanted to curse at him, to scream at the absurdity of the gesture, but the pain was too much. He barely had the strength to breathe.

Taehyung set aside the rag and picked up a bottle of alcohol, his movements deliberate and unhurried. He soaked a cotton ball and pressed it against one of the wounds, the sting so intense that Hoseok's body jerked involuntarily. A scream tore from his throat, muffled only by the pillow into which he buried his face.

"Shh, baby," Taehyung whispered, his tone a twisted version of kindness. "This is what you get for defying us. Keep fighting, and this is how you’ll spend the rest of your life."

Hoseok squeezed his eyes shut, tears spilling over as he absorbed the venomous words. They hurt almost as much as the physical pain, each syllable another wound on his already battered psyche.

As Taehyung bandaged his wounds, he spoke again, his voice low and almost conversational. "You belong here, Hoseok. You belong with us. This house is your home now. If it hurts to breathe, open a window. But don't think you can leave—because you can't. We're happy here, and you will be too, in time. It’s fun here, don’t you think?"

Hoseok’s mind spun as he listened, his heart sinking deeper into despair. It was in that moment, hearing the madness in Taehyung's voice, that he realized just how far gone these men were. They weren’t just cruel; they were deranged, trapped in their own twisted reality.

Taehyung secured the bandages, pinning them carefully to ensure they wouldn't loosen, then shifted to kneel in front of Hoseok. His eyes roved over Hoseok's tear-streaked, swollen face, and a smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"You have such a pretty face," Taehyung murmured, his fingers tracing the contours of Hoseok’s features. He pointed out each detail with a lover’s reverence, his tone soft but laced with possessiveness. "Your eyes, your lips, your cheeks—they’re all mine, Hoseok. Every part of you belongs to us."

He listed everything he adored: the curve of Hoseok's jaw, the way his lips trembled, the glimmer of pain in his eyes. To anyone else, these might have been compliments, but coming from Taehyung, they were declarations of ownership, a reminder of the power he held over Hoseok.

Without warning, Taehyung leaned in, capturing Hoseok’s lips in a searing, forceful kiss. Hoseok tried to resist, turning his head away, but Taehyung’s grip was ironclad. His fingers dug into Hoseok's hair, holding him in place as he deepened the kiss, his tongue invading Hoseok's mouth with a ruthless, demanding hunger. Hoseok whimpered, his lips sore and swollen by the time Taehyung finally pulled away, a satisfied smirk on his face.

"Don’t look so sad," Taehyung chuckled, patting Hoseok’s cheek lightly. The gesture was almost gentle, but it only deepened Hoseok's despair. Taehyung then stood, gathering the bowl of bloody water and the rag, preparing to leave the room.

Before stepping out, Taehyung paused at the door, glancing back at Hoseok with a final, chilling statement. "You should have never said no from the beginning."

And with that, he left, the sound of the door locking echoing in the room. Hoseok lay there, his body and soul both in agony, and muttered to himself, "I really shouldn’t have said no."

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