35~ Morning Moments

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Authors pov

Hoseok woke up to the warmth of his twins curled up on his chest. He groggily groaned, his eyes slowly fluttering open as the morning light filtered through the curtains. Carefully, he shifted the little bodies off his chest and placed them gently on the bed. They wiggled and cooed softly but didn’t wake up, their tiny faces peaceful in slumber.

Hoseok sat up, ruffling his tousled hair and sighing deeply. He stood up, stretching his limbs before heading to the bathroom to begin his morning routine. The cold water on his face helped him wake up completely, and soon he was dressed in comfortable clothes, ready to start the day.

Returning to the bedroom, he looked at his sleeping twins with a fond smile. He knelt by the bed and began tickling their sides gently. “Wake up, my sleepyheads. It’s time for school.”

The babies groaned but opened their eyes, staring up at their mother with foggy smiles. Hoseok was relieved to see that they had completely forgotten about yesterday’s little drama.

Lila, still half-asleep, outstretched her arms towards Hoseok. “M-Mummy… c-carry me,” she stuttered, her voice small and sleepy.

Hoseok’s heart melted as he picked her up, holding her close. “Of course, my little princess.”

Noah, still groggy, managed to climb down the bed on his own and followed his mother to their room. Hoseok quickly got them both freshened up, bathing them and dressing them in comfy clothes—Lila in a cute floral dress with matching shoes and Noah in a pair of denim overalls and a striped shirt. He helped them tie their shoelaces and gave each of them a peck on the head.

Turning his attention to Lila, Hoseok carefully styled her hair, tying it up with a pink ribbon that matched her dress. Then, he ran his hands through Noah’s hair, smoothing it out and making sure he looked just as presentable.

Once they were both ready, Hoseok strapped their backpacks onto their small shoulders and carried them to the car. He settled them in the back seat, making sure they were buckled up safely, and then got into the driver’s seat to take them to kindergarten.

As they drove, the car was filled with the soft sound of their chatter. Hoseok smiled as he listened to their conversation.

“M-Mummy, w-we’re going on a v-vacation today,” Lila said excitedly, her stutter making the words come out slowly but full of enthusiasm.

Hoseok hummed in acknowledgment, glancing at her through the rearview mirror. “Yes, sweetie, I heard. You’re going to have so much fun at the park.”

Noah, bouncing in his seat, chimed in, “I’m really excited, Mummy! I can’t wait!”

Hoseok chuckled at their enthusiasm. “Well, make sure to have fun and behave, okay? And don’t run off. Stay close to your teachers.”

The twins nodded eagerly, their excitement palpable as they imagined the fun day ahead. Hoseok pulled up in front of their school and parked the car. He got out, walked to the back, and carefully unbuckled them from their seats, helping them down from the car.

A teacher approached them with a warm smile. “Good morning, Mr. Jung! Are you ready for the big day, kids?”

The twins nodded eagerly, their faces lit up with joy. “Yes, Miss Lee! We’re ready!” Noah exclaimed.

Before running off, they turned to Hoseok, pouting their lips in unison. “Kissy, Mummy?” they asked sweetly.

Hoseok couldn’t help but laugh at their synchronized request. He knelt down and planted a kiss on each of their lips. Lila squealed in delight, throwing her arms around Hoseok’s neck. “I love you, M-Mummy!” she said, her voice filled with pure affection.

Hoseok’s heart swelled with love. “I love you too, baby. Have a great day.”

Lila giggled and ran off with the teacher, her tiny legs moving quickly in excitement.

Hoseok then turned to Noah, his expression softening but becoming more serious. “Noah, about yesterday… You need to be more careful with your words. Lila is your sister, and it’s your job to protect her, not to hurt her. She’s perfect just the way she is, okay?”

Noah looked down at his shoes, his bottom lip trembling slightly. “I-I’m sorry, Mummy. I didn’t mean to hurt her.”

Hoseok nodded, placing a gentle hand on Noah’s shoulder. “I know you didn’t. But you need to apologize to her and make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

Noah nodded, looking up at Hoseok with a determined expression. “I will, Mummy. I promise. I love you.”

Hoseok smiled, ruffling Noah’s hair. “I love you too, my little man.”

With that, Noah ran off to join Lila and the teacher, who had been patiently waiting. Hoseok watched them go, a content smile on his face as they disappeared into the school.

He muttered to himself, “I love you both so much.”

With a final glance at the school, Hoseok got back into his car, ready to head home for a little peaceful time to himself. The morning had started with love and laughter, and Hoseok felt a sense of calm wash over him as he drove away, knowing his children were happy and cared for.

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