14~ The Bitter Truth

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Authors pov

Hoseok’s hands trembled as he carefully plated the food, arranging each dish with meticulous precision on the large dining table occupied by the six brothers. His fingers shook not from fear, but from the adrenaline coursing through his veins—the thrill of knowing that this could be the moment they would die in front of his eyes.

The brothers began eating, their voices a dull hum as they chatted amongst themselves. The vegetable soup, the dish Hoseok had tampered with, remained untouched. Hoseok took his seat on one of the stools after Jimin had ordered him to join them. He moved mechanically, his mind consumed with anticipation. Though he nibbled on the other food, he made sure to avoid the soup.

Hoseok’s heart skipped a beat when Jungkook finally reached for the soup. He watched with bated breath as Jungkook scooped up a spoonful and slowly brought it to his mouth. But just as the spoon neared his lips, Jungkook paused, lowering it again.

Hoseok frowned in confusion. Jungkook then called for one of the maids, who quickly hurried over. Hoseok's stomach dropped when he recognized her as the woman who had comforted him during his fever. His eyes widened as Jungkook offered her the spoonful of soup, telling her to take a sip.

"No!" Hoseok shouted, unable to contain his panic. Every head turned to look at him, including the maid’s, who had frozen in place with the spoon hovering near her mouth.

Namjoon’s eyes narrowed as he clasped his hands together, leaning forward slightly. "What’s the matter, Hoseok?" he asked, his voice dangerously calm.

Hoseok stuttered, his mind racing for an excuse. "I—I just wanted Jungkook to taste it first. The first bite is always the best, right?" He forced a smile, but it faltered under the intense stares of the brothers.

Taehyung and Yoongi exchanged glances before bursting into laughter. But the humor quickly faded from their faces, replaced by a chilling realization.

Jin’s eyes darkened as he stood up abruptly, his chair scraping against the floor. "So, you wanted to poison us, Hoseok?" he demanded, his voice loud and accusatory. In a fit of anger, he swept the plates off the table, sending them crashing to the floor. Hoseok flinched, instinctively moving backward, his heart pounding in his chest.

Namjoon rose from his seat, walking over to Hoseok. He grabbed him by the shoulders, turning him to face the corner of the kitchen where a small CCTV camera was positioned, its red light blinking ominously. "We’re always one step ahead of you," Namjoon whispered into his ear, his grip tightening.

Hoseok gasped, the weight of his mistake crashing down on him. He was stupid—so incredibly stupid.

Namjoon spun him back around to face the dining table, his expression cold and unyielding. "Did you really think you could outsmart us?"

Hoseok gulped, his mouth dry as panic set in. His gaze darted to Taehyung, who signaled to a nearby bodyguard. "Take him to the torture room," Taehyung ordered, his voice devoid of emotion.

"Torture room?" Hoseok whispered, the words barely audible as they left his lips. Realization and terror hit him all at once, and he began to scream. "I’m sorry! I’ll never do it again! Please, I swear!"

But Namjoon remained unmoved. He pushed Hoseok roughly toward the waiting bodyguard, who grabbed him by the arms and began to drag him away.

As Hoseok was pulled out of the room, his desperate cries echoing through the hallways, Yoongi let out a long, frustrated sigh. "He’s driving me crazy," Yoongi muttered, rubbing his temples.

Namjoon chuckled darkly as he returned to his seat. "Don’t worry," he said, a sinister smile curling at the corners of his lips. "After this, he’ll think twice before trying to cross us again."

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