42~ Morning Tensions

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Authors pov

Early morning light filtered through the large windows of the mansion, casting a warm glow over the dining room. The maids bustled around, setting up breakfast for the six men and the young master, Hoseok. The table was elegantly arranged, plates of food being served with practiced efficiency.

Hoseok, who had prepared cereal for the twins, Noah and Lila, sat at the edge of the room, his focus solely on them. He wanted to feed them himself, a small act of control in his life, and an attempt to distance himself from the six men, particularly avoiding Taehyung after their uncomfortable encounter the previous night.

As Hoseok made a move to stand and attend to his children, Jimin's commanding voice cut through the air. "Sit down, Hoseok."

Hoseok hesitated. "I need to feed the twins," he said quietly.

Jungkook's voice followed, more forceful. "Sit the fuck down."

Reluctantly, Hoseok lowered himself back into his seat. As he did, he heard the distressed sounds of Noah and Lila. The twins began to cry, their small voices filled with frustration. Lila's cries were particularly heart-wrenching, her stuttered words, "M-m-mummy, feed m-me," breaking Hoseok's heart. Noah chimed in with similar demands, his tiny fists banging on the high chair.

Jin, trying to maintain control, said, "The maids will feed them."

But Noah's protests were relentless. "I want my mummy!" he shouted, his hands still pounding on the high chair.

Hoseok couldn't bear it any longer. He stood up again, determined to feed his children himself. "I'm going to feed them," he declared.

Before he could move further, Jungkook grabbed him, pulling him down onto his lap. Hoseok sat awkwardly, feeling Jungkook's firm hold around his neck. Jungkook's voice was a low, dangerous whisper in Hoseok's ear. "Don't try my patience."

Hoseok hissed in frustration, "I want to feed my kids."

Yoongi chimed in, his tone disapproving. "You're spoiling them."

"They're my kids," Hoseok shot back, his voice tinged with defiance.

Jimin let out a chuckle, a mocking edge to his laughter. "Hoseok always claims the twins are his. Should we show him just how they were made, and bend him over right here?"

Hoseok's eyes widened in shock, and he clenched his fists, his voice barely a whisper. "Not in front of the kids, asshole."

Jimin raised an eyebrow, clearly amused.

Namjoon, sensing the escalating tension, intervened. "Maids, take the children to the living room and feed them there."

The maids swiftly complied, picking up the crying twins and carrying them out of the dining room. Hoseok watched them go, his heart heavy. Namjoon's gaze turned back to Hoseok with a smirk.

"You'll get it hard now, Hoseok," Namjoon said, his voice cold and commanding. "Go to your room and wait for us like the good boy you are."

Hoseok sighed, his shoulders slumping. He knew that resisting would only lead to more punishment. He stood up, already feeling the weight of the day ahead. He glanced at his children one last time as they were taken away, their cries growing fainter.

He stood up and went to his room, bracing himself for whatever was to come.

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