32~ The Unyielding Search

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Authors pov

Three years had passed, and the six brothers were still consumed by a singular mission—finding Hoseok and their children. They had scoured every inch of South Korea, deploying every resource at their disposal, including the police and other authorities. Yet, no trace of Hoseok was ever found. It became painfully clear that Hoseok had left the country, vanishing without a trace, leaving the brothers frustrated and desperate.

They needed Hoseok. They needed their children. The thought of not being there when Hoseok gave birth to their first children gnawed at them, a constant ache that never dulled. Every day without them felt like a wound that refused to heal.

Now, they sat in their lavish office, each one immersed in their work. They were exporting goods, managing their empire, sending men to various parts of the country and the world to ensure their clients received their products. The atmosphere was tense, silent except for the sound of fingers tapping on keyboards.

Taehyung was stationed at his computer, his eyes scanning the progress of their global distributions. A sharp knock on the door broke the silence, followed by the hesitant entrance of one of their men, who looked like he was walking to his death.

The brothers didn't bother to look up; they knew who it was. Jin, still focused on his screen, called the man's name, "Park Hwan, have you found any lead on Hoseok?"

Park Hwan's hands trembled, and his voice quivered as he stuttered out his response, "W-we have searched everywhere, Boss. E-every possible place, but... but we still can't find the young master."

Jimin scoffed, his fingers still flying over his keyboard. "You know what that means, don't you?"

Before Park Hwan could beg for his life, Yoongi, without lifting his gaze from his screen, reached for his gun and fired a single shot. The bullet struck Park Hwan in the head, killing him instantly. His body crumpled to the floor with a dull thud.

"Weakling," Yoongi muttered, clicking his tongue in annoyance as he resumed his work.

Namjoon leaned back in his chair, his voice cold and authoritative. "Clean this mess up!."

A guard hurried into the room, bowing deeply before summoning others to remove the body. Within moments, the office was clear again, the air thick with the lingering tension.

Jungkook sighed, leaning back in his chair as he stopped typing. "This is getting us nowhere. Maybe we should take a break from all this... mafia business, just for a while. Go on a vacation or something."

The others slumped in their seats, weary from the unrelenting search. Jin scoffed, "And leave this empire to collapse in our absence? The men we have are incompetent, Jungkook."

Yoongi shrugged nonchalantly, "We could leave our right-hand man in charge for a bit. He’s competent enough."

Namjoon nodded thoughtfully. "Kim Hyunsoo could handle things while we're gone."

A collective hum of agreement filled the room. They all respected Kim Hyunsoo's capabilities; he was one of the few they trusted implicitly.

Jimin glanced around, curious. "Where would we even go?"

Taehyung's eyes suddenly lit up, a mischievous smile tugging at his lips. "France," he said, his voice filled with excitement.

"France?" Jimin arched an eyebrow, "Why there?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes, his tone dripping with sass. "Duh! They have the best Gucci stores there."

The others groaned in unison, though they couldn't help but smirk at Taehyung's obsession with the luxury brand.

Yoongi leaned back in his chair, a rare smile ghosting his lips. "France it is then."

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