22~ Failing again

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Authors pov

The sleek, expensive-looking car cruised smoothly through the streets, carrying Hoseok and the six brothers to their destination—a beautiful park. The chauffeur drove quietly, his focus entirely on the road ahead.

Hoseok's face was practically glued to the window, his eyes wide as he took in the scenery passing by. This was the world he had longed to see again, a world stolen from him so unfairly. His heart ached as he watched two children playing with their parents on the side of the street. The sight of a happy family filled him with a deep sadness. He missed his parents so much. He wished they hadn’t died, that he had been given the chance to grow up with them.

A hand ran through his hair, and Hoseok flinched, turning to see Namjoon smiling at him. "Is the view beautiful?" Namjoon asked softly.

Hoseok nodded, his gaze returning to the window, ignoring Namjoon, who had now encircled his waist with his arms. He closed his eyes, wishing they would just leave him alone for a while, to give him some privacy.

The chauffeur pulled up in front of the park, the golden gates opening to reveal the lush greenery inside. He came down and opened the door for them. The six brothers stepped out of the car, and Hoseok followed. Jungkook offered his hand to help him out, but Hoseok ignored it, muttering that he could manage on his own and that he wasn’t a lady.

Jungkook frowned, glaring at his brothers who snickered at the exchange. Hoseok walked ahead, following the brothers as they led the way into the park. The chauffeur carried a basket filled with food, fruits, and desserts, trailing behind them.

The park was stunning, with sprawling lawns, vibrant flowerbeds, and towering trees that provided ample shade. The air was fresh, carrying the scent of blooming flowers. The place was eerily empty, and Hoseok couldn't help but wonder how rich these men were to rent an entire public park just for their picnic.

Jimin pointed to a large tree in the distance, its branches spreading out like a canopy. "How about there?"

The others nodded in agreement, and they made their way to the tree. The chauffeur laid out a huge blanket on the fresh grass, and they all sat down in a circle, with Hoseok in the middle. The chauffeur handed them their snacks and food before bowing and leaving them to their meal.

Hoseok was the first to open the basket, pulling out a disposable plate. He served himself some pork belly and rice, using chopsticks to eat. He was ravenous, his hunger driving him to eat quickly.

The brothers chuckled at his enthusiasm. "Why are you so hungry lately?" one of them asked.

Hoseok shrugged, continuing to eat. Jimin's eyes narrowed as he noticed something odd under Hoseok's white long-sleeve sweater. He reached out, placing a hand on Hoseok’s stomach.

Hoseok choked on his food, his eyes widening as he quickly shoved Jimin's hand away. Yoongi handed him some water, which he drank greedily before setting the cup down, glaring at Jimin.

Jimin, however, was focused on Hoseok’s stomach. "What’s the matter?" the others asked.

Jimin pointed at Hoseok’s stomach. "Something’s off."

Ignoring Hoseok's protests, Jimin raised his sweater a little, revealing a small, cute baby bump.

The brothers cooed in unison. "Your stomach is cute," Jimin teased, his hand pressing against the soft, pudgy flesh. "You're getting fat."

They didn't know Hoseok was pregnant; they just assumed he was eating too much, causing his stomach to grow. Jimin's fingers traced the soft bump, reluctant to pull away.

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