51~ Moments of Solace

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Authors pov

Hoseok sat on Lila's bed, his two children positioned in front of him. He tried to muster a smile, hoping to reassure them, but the effort was futile. He was exhausted, overwhelmed by the weight of his responsibilities. The thought of disappearing, even for just a day, tempted him, but he knew he couldn't abandon his kids. They needed him too much.

He sighed deeply, running his hand through Noah's hair and gently caressing Lila's cheek. The room was quiet except for the soft breathing of his children.

Lila, with her stuttering problem, climbed onto Hoseok's lap and asked, "M-mummy, is it t-true you h-hated us when we w-were born?" Her eyes were filled with confusion and hurt.

Hoseok's throat tightened, and tears fell from his eyes. He shook his head and looked away, unable to meet their gazes. He knew his children were perceptive, even at their young age. "Yes," he choked out, "I didn't want you when you were born because your father did bad things to me."

Noah and Lila's lips wobbled as they listened. Hoseok pulled them closer, making Noah sit on his lap as he cried. He wiped their tears, shushing them gently. "But I love you both so much," he said, his voice breaking. "You are my world. I'm still here because of you. You will always be my babies."

Lila and Noah smiled faintly and hugged him. Lila then wiped Hoseok's tears away, causing him to giggle at their tiny hands on his face. "I love you, Mummy," Lila said.

"I love you too," Hoseok replied, his heart aching. Noah echoed the sentiment, and Hoseok returned the affection.

Noah asked hesitantly, "Do we really have six fathers?"

Hoseok sighed softly and nodded. "Yes, you have six fathers," he said. Lila frowned, puzzled. "But our classmates only have one father."

Hoseok chuckled softly. "Sometimes, kids have more than one father," he explained. "It's just how things are."

They both nodded, and Hoseok cupped their cheeks, speaking gently. "Don't hate your fathers. Love them like you love me. They still deserve respect and love, even if they've hurt me. And Lila, don't hit any of your fathers again, okay?"

Lila pouted and said, "I'm s-sorry."

Hoseok smiled and kissed her forehead. "It's okay," he said soothingly.

He then lay down, pulling his children close beside him. They snuggled up to him as he hugged them tightly. Hoseok sighed and hummed a soft tune, gradually lulling the children to sleep. Though they rested peacefully, Hoseok lay awake, silent tears tracing down his cheeks. He whispered to himself, "When will I ever be happy?"

Soon hobi... Soon

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