37~ Unlikely Connections

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Authors pov

As the six brothers drove towards the children's home, the car was alive with chatter and laughter. Noah, sitting comfortably on Yoongi’s lap, was in charge of navigation. His small hands pointed out turns while the others kept an eye on the unfamiliar streets. The kids, Noah and Lila, were completely at ease with their new companions, their curiosity endless as they asked questions that filled the car with warmth and amusement.

Noah, with his bright eyes and inquisitive mind, began, "Why is the sun so hot? Can it ever get cold?"

Namjoon, sitting in the passenger seat, turned around to face Noah with a smile. "The sun is hot because it’s like a giant ball of fire in space. It can never get cold because it’s burning all the time."

"How do clouds stay up in the sky without falling?" Noah continued, his mind racing from one thought to another.

Jin glanced back at him through the rearview mirror, grinning. "Clouds stay up because they’re made of tiny water droplets that are so light, they float."

"Why do birds fly in a V shape? Does it help them go faster?" Noah asked, his little face serious with concentration.

Jungkook chuckled, enjoying the boy’s enthusiasm. "Birds fly in a V shape to help each other out. The one at the front breaks the wind, so the others can fly more easily."

"What’s inside a star? Mummy says they’re really far, but what if we could touch one?"

Taehyung, with Lila sitting on his lap, smiled down at the boy. "Inside a star, there’s a lot of energy, kind of like a fire. But they’re so far away that we can only see their light. If we could touch one, it would be way too hot."

Lila, who had been listening quietly and stuttering out small thoughts, suddenly asked, "Wh-what are y-your n-names?"

The car fell silent for a moment as the brothers realized they hadn’t introduced themselves. Namjoon was the first to respond, his voice gentle as he turned around to face the kids. "I’m Namjoon. This is Jin, he’s driving right now."

Jin smiled through the mirror. "Hi there."

"I’m Yoongi," Yoongi said, ruffling Noah’s hair playfully.

"Jimin," Jimin added from the backseat, giving Lila a warm smile.

"Jungkook," Jungkook said with a nod, his eyes twinkling as he looked at the two kids.

"And I’m Taehyung," Taehyung said, gently squeezing Lila’s little hand.

Noah and Lila clapped their hands in excitement, their eyes wide with joy. "We have a mummy too!" Lila said, her stutter making her words even more endearing.

"Tell us about her," Jimin encouraged, leaning forward, genuinely interested.

Noah and Lila exchanged excited glances before launching into a description of their mother. "He’s the best!" Noah began, his eyes shining. "He makes the yummiest candies ever. And he always reads us stories before bed."

"He’s so b-beautiful!" Lila added, her eyes wide with adoration. "H-he has the s-s-sweetest voice, and he’s a-always smiling."

"He always knows what to do when we’re scared," Noah continued. "And he gives the best hugs. We love him so much!"

The brothers shared a brief look of confusion at the kids’ use of "he," but they didn’t ask, simply enjoying the warmth of the children’s words. There was something about the way Noah and Lila talked about their parent that tugged at their hearts, filling the car with a comforting warmth.

As the car rolled on, Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, studying Noah’s face closely. "You know, Noah kind of looks like Namjoon. The dimples, the intelligence, and even the eyes…"

Namjoon chuckled, shaking his head. "That’s ridiculous, Jimin. How could that be?"

But then Jungkook, who had been quietly observing Lila, spoke up, "Actually, Lila kind of looks like Taehyung. There’s something about her eyes and her smile…"

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows and gently took Lila’s face in his hands, pulling her closer to examine her features. Lila giggled at the attention, her laughter making everyone in the car smile. Taehyung hummed thoughtfully. "You know what? She does look like me. She’s like the girl version of me."

The brothers laughed, but despite the light-hearted conversation, they couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that something more was at play here. There was a strange connection between them and these children, something they couldn’t quite put their finger on.

Meanwhile, back at home, Hoseok was busying himself with chores to pass the time. He was wiping down the kitchen counter when his phone rang. He picked it up without looking at the caller ID and balanced it on his shoulder as he continued cleaning.

"Hello?" he answered absentmindedly.

The voice on the other end was frantic and panicked. "Mr. Jung, are the kids with you?"

Hoseok froze, his heart suddenly pounding in his chest. "What do you mean? They should be with you!" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with fear.

The woman on the other end, one of the kindergarten teachers, spoke hurriedly. "We can’t find Lila and Noah anywhere. We’ve searched the whole park!"

Hoseok’s heart dropped into his stomach. "What?! How could you lose my kids?!" he shouted, his voice trembling with panic. "You better find them by the time I get there, or else!"

He hung up the phone, his mind racing with horrible possibilities. He didn’t even bother changing out of his robe. He grabbed his keys and ran out of the house, his panic so intense that he didn’t notice the sleek black car pulling into his driveway as he sped off towards the park.

Who is ready for the next chapter? 😅 I'm not.

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