38~ The Past Will Always Get To You

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Authors pov

The six brothers stepped out of the car with Noah and Lila in tow, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows on the driveway. Noah wriggled in Yoongi’s arms, his small voice breaking the silence. "Can you put me down?" he asked, his gaze fixed on the driveway.

Yoongi complied, gently placing Noah on the ground. The little boy frowned, scanning the empty driveway, and muttered to himself, "Where's Mummy?"

Lila, noticing her brother's unease, reached down, her tiny arms outstretched. Taehyung, understanding her silent request, bent down and set her on the ground. She immediately ran to Noah, her lower lip trembling. "I w-w-want Mummy," she whimpered, her big eyes filling with tears.

The brothers exchanged concerned glances. "Where’s your mother?" Namjoon asked gently, crouching down to their level.

Noah sniffled, wiping his nose with the back of his hand. "Mummy’s not here," he said quietly, his voice tinged with sadness. "His car isn’t here, so that means Mummy’s not around."

The brothers hummed in thought, processing the situation. "Maybe it was the car that passed us just now," Jimin suggested, recalling the vehicle they had seen on their way in.

They all shrugged, unsure of what to make of it. Namjoon scooped Noah back up while Taehyung lifted Lila into his arms. "Let’s go inside, okay?" Namjoon said, his voice soothing.

Noah nodded and led them to the front door. They were surprised to find it unlocked, and as they stepped inside, they were greeted by the sweet, comforting scent of home. It was as if a warm blanket had been wrapped around them, enveloping them in a sense of familiarity and peace.

The brothers couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of nostalgia. The house was so reminiscent of Hoseok that it was almost unbearable. It was in the subtle details—the cozy furniture, the warm colors, the lingering scent of vanilla and cinnamon—that reminded them so much of him.

They set Noah and Lila down on the floor, and the twins immediately ran off to a large basket filled with toys, picking through them with eager hands. The brothers watched them for a moment before their attention was drawn to the rest of the house.

As they wandered around, taking in the surroundings, Yoongi's eyes landed on a picture frame on a nearby shelf. He picked it up, curiosity piqued, but as soon as he saw what it was, the frame slipped from his grasp and crashed to the floor.

The sound of breaking glass startled the twins. They looked up, alarmed, and ran over to the commotion. Noah, his small voice trembling with sadness, scolded Yoongi, "Why did you break our family picture?"

But Yoongi was still in a daze, staring at the shattered frame on the floor. The other brothers quickly gathered around him, concern etched on their faces. "What happened?" Jin asked, his voice tinged with worry.

Jungkook bent down, carefully picking up the photo from the broken glass. His eyes widened in shock as he saw the image. It was a picture of Hoseok with Noah and Lila, all of them smiling brightly at the camera. Jungkook gasped, his heart racing. "This… this can’t be real."

The others crowded around, Jin gulping as he stared at the familiar face in the picture. "Are we all seeing the same thing?" he asked, his voice shaky.

They all nodded, their expressions a mix of disbelief and shock. "That’s definitely Hoseok," Namjoon confirmed, his voice barely above a whisper.

A heavy silence fell over the room as they all processed the revelation. They looked at Noah and Lila, who were now standing quietly, their innocent faces full of confusion.

Without thinking, the brothers knelt down and pulled the twins into a tight embrace, holding them close as they whispered, "You’re our kids… you’re really ours."

Yoongi sighed, the weight of everything finally settling on him. "No wonder we felt such a strong connection to them," he murmured. "They’re our kids."

Noah and Lila exchanged confused looks, not fully understanding what was happening. Noah mouthed, "What’s going on?" to his sister. Lila shrugged, her small face scrunching up in thought. "A-a-all I kn-know is they’re c-calling us th-their kids," she whispered back.

Meanwhile, Hoseok finally pulled into the driveway, tears streaming down his face. He had searched the park with the teachers and even passerby, but no one had seen his twins. The fear and despair in his heart were almost too much to bear.

He stepped out of the car, wiping his tears with the sleeve of his robe, his vision blurred. In his frantic state, he didn’t notice the sleek black car parked beside his. All he wanted was to find his babies.

Hoseok walked to the front door, his hands trembling as he opened it and stepped inside. He closed the door behind him, the silence of the house almost deafening. But before he could take another step, two small figures barreled into him.

Hoseok gasped, his heart leaping into his throat as he instinctively caught them. "Noah! Lila!" he cried, his voice breaking as he hugged them tightly. "Where were you? How did you get here?" His words tumbled out in a rush, his fear and relief intertwining.

The twins clung to him, their small arms wrapped around his neck as they tried to soothe him. "Mummy, don’t cry," Noah cooed, using his tiny hands to wipe his tears. But Hoseok, still in shock, furrowed his brows and asked again, "How did you get home?"

Before they could answer, the six brothers stepped into view. Hoseok looked up, his heart stopping as his gaze met theirs. It felt like the world was crashing down around him, his breath caught in his throat. His mouth opened, but no words came out. He blinked rapidly, hoping, praying, that this was just some sick dream.

But Taehyung’s voice broke through the silence, soft and full of emotion. "Hoseok…?"

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