49~ A Question of Family

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Authors pov

The morning sun filtered through the bathroom window, casting a warm glow on the tiled walls. Hoseok knelt beside the tub, carefully washing Noah's hair as the little boy leaned back, giggling as bubbles formed around his ears. Lila, his other twin, sat at the opposite end of the tub, splashing water with her hands, her eyes bright with mischief.

"Careful, Lila, don't splash too much," Hoseok warned playfully, wiping some water off his shirt as Lila gave him a cheeky grin. "You're going to make the whole bathroom a swimming pool."

"I-I'm a m-mermaid, M-mummy," Lila giggled, her stutter adding an adorable charm to her words.

"Well, my little mermaid, we need to get you out of the water soon or you'll be late for school," Hoseok replied, smiling warmly as he continued massaging the shampoo into Noah's hair. "Noah, are you ready to show off that new haircut today?"

Noah nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, Mummy! Do you think the other kids will like it?"

"They'll love it, buddy. You're going to be the coolest kid in class," Hoseok assured him, feeling a surge of contentment as he enjoyed these simple moments with his children.

As he rinsed the suds from Noah's hair, Lila suddenly spoke up, her voice hesitant. "M-m-mummy?"

"Yes, sweetheart?" Hoseok hummed in response, focused on making sure Noah's hair was completely free of soap.

Lila hesitated, playing nervously with the water before finally asking, "W-where's o-our d-daddy?"

Hoseok froze, his heart skipping a beat as he processed her words. He slowly turned his head to look at Lila, who was still anxiously swirling her fingers in the water, her big eyes filled with curiosity and a hint of confusion. Hoseok's breath caught in his throat as he tried to gather his thoughts, his mind racing.

"Lila, darling," Hoseok began softly, trying to keep his voice steady. "Why are you asking that?"

Lila pouted, her cheeks puffing up slightly as she fiddled with the bubbles. "A-at s-school, s-some k-kids asked a-about o-our p-parents... Th-they s-said we s-should have a m-mommy and a d-daddy. W-why don't we h-have a d-daddy?"

Hoseok felt a pang in his chest, his hands trembling slightly as he realized this was a conversation he'd been dreading. He glanced at Noah, who was now looking at him with wide, curious eyes, clearly waiting for an answer as well.

Hoseok swallowed hard, forcing a smile. "I... I promise I'll explain everything to you when you come back from school today, okay?"

"But, Mummy—" Noah began to protest, but Hoseok gently placed a finger on his lips.

"After school," Hoseok repeated firmly but kindly, trying to keep the anxiety out of his voice. "I promise. Now let's finish up and get you ready."

The children exchanged uncertain glances but reluctantly nodded. Hoseok quickly washed them up, helping them out of the tub and drying them off. He dressed them in their school uniforms, making sure everything was perfect before leading them downstairs.

He kissed their foreheads and watched as the chauffeur drove them away to school, his heart heavy with the weight of the conversation that awaited them later.

Closing the door behind him, Hoseok leaned against it, staring blankly at the living room. His mind raced as he tried to figure out how he would explain the absence of their father. The truth was, he wasn't sure if he was ready for this conversation, but he knew he couldn't avoid it any longer.

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