13~ The Bitter Taste of Revenge

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One week later...

One week had passed since the harrowing events that had left Hoseok shattered and hollow. The days blurred together in a relentless cycle of pain and numbness. Hoseok moved through his new life on autopilot, his once vibrant spirit now extinguished, leaving him as a mere shell of his former self.

He stood in the kitchen, cooking mechanically. The rhythmic chopping of vegetables and the bubbling of pots were the only sounds breaking the silence. His once bright eyes were now dull, reflecting the torment that had become his daily existence. The men who had taken so much from him showed no remorse, no guilt. Their lack of empathy only deepened Hoseok’s despair.

Every hour, every minute, he was subjected to further abuse. They had reduced him to nothing more than a tool to satisfy their cruel whims. After their daily sessions of brutality, they ordered him to prepare their meals while they retreated to their office to work.

Today was no different. Hoseok moved through the kitchen with a lifeless precision. He reached for an ingredient in the drawer but stopped when his eyes fell upon a bottle of bleach. His heart raced as a dark idea began to take shape in his mind.

He picked up the bleach, staring at it as if it were a lifeline. The bottle felt heavy in his hand, but so did the weight of his anger and desperation. He glanced at the pot of vegetable soup simmering on the stove, a sickening plan forming.

Without hesitation, he poured the entire contents of the bleach bottle into the pot. The clear liquid mixed with the soup, creating a noxious cloud of fumes that stung his eyes. Hoseok quickly added more ingredients to mask the telltale odor, stirring vigorously. A dark, twisted smirk crept onto his face. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, he felt a flicker of satisfaction. They had taken everything from him, but now he had a chance to exact a small measure of revenge.

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