50~ Shattered Truths

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Authors pov

Hoseok sat tensely in the living room, surrounded by the six Mafias, the air thick with unresolved tension after his conversation with Lila and Noah in the bathroom.

Jimin leaned casually against the couch and chuckled. “What’s the big deal, Hoseok? Just tell the kids that we’re their fathers.”

Hoseok’s eyes narrowed, his frustration evident. “How am I supposed to tell my kids that they were brought into this world because I was raped by you?”

Yoongi scoffed, arms crossed. “The kids didn’t ask how they were brought into this world. They just want to know who their father is.”

Hoseok rolled his eyes. “I won’t tell them who their father is. I’ll just tell them their father ran away and never came back.”

Jin stood up, his face flushed with anger. “Don’t you dare say that to the kids.”

Hoseok stood up as well, his voice rising. “I don’t want my kids to have fathers like you.”

Jungkook, standing and moving toward Hoseok, interrupted him. “What do you mean by that?”

Hoseok’s voice was bitter. “I don’t want my kids to have fathers who raped, abused, tortured, kidnapped, and did so much more to their mother.” He pointed at all of them, shouting, “You’re the reason I hated my kids when they were born because of what you fucking did to me!”

In a flash of anger, Jungkook backhanded Hoseok, causing his head to snap to the side. Hoseok turned to see his two kids, Lila and Noah, with the chauffeur behind them, looking at the scene with wide, innocent eyes.

Hoseok gasped as the brothers looked over in confusion. Their eyes widened in shock when they saw Lila and Noah standing there, their faces a mix of confusion and fear.

Noah ran to Hoseok’s side, shouting at Jungkook, “Get away from my mummy!”

Lila began to cry and ran to Jungkook’s side, weakly hitting him, “W-why did you h-hit my mummy?”

Hoseok gasped, quickly pulling Lila away from Jungkook. He bent down to their level, trying to calm them. “Jungkook didn’t hit me. It’s nothing, sweeties.”

Noah, still crying, touched the side of Hoseok’s face, making him wince and pull away. “But y-your face is red, and mummy is in pain.”

Tears welled in Hoseok’s eyes as he glared at the Mafias, who were now silent and unsure. He looked back at his children, shushing them gently. “It’s okay, my darlings,” he said, wiping their tears. “I’ll be alright.”

Lila, stuttering through her tears, asked, “A-are they really our f-fathers?”

Hoseok’s eyes widened in horror, realizing how much they had overheard. He covered his face with his hands, unable to bear the sight of his children. He then looked up and begged, “Please, go upstairs. I’ll come meet you in your room soon.”

Lila hesitated but finally nodded, pecking Hoseok’s lips before walking with Noah to their room, Noah glaring back at Jungkook.

Hoseok stood up, sniffling and wiping his nose. He turned to the brothers, his gaze mostly fixed on Jungkook. He pushed Jungkook, demanding, “Are you happy now? Why couldn’t you control your anger? Why couldn’t any of you leave a day without hurting me?”

Jungkook wanted to reach out, to apologize, but Hoseok hissed, warning him not to touch him. Yoongi, softly calling Hoseok a pet name, tried to calm him down, but Hoseok just shook his head, walking away.

He made his way to the kids' room, turning briefly to address the Mafias. “I was starting to think there might be some good in you. I was wrong. You’re still the same men who forcefully tried to have me, still the same heartless, unremorseful men I’ve always known. And you always will be.” With that, he turned and climbed the steps.

Jungkook, running a hand through his hair in frustration, turned to his brothers. “I fucked up.”

Yeah kookie.... You fucked up😃

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