47~ Morning After

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Authors pov

Hoseok winced as he stepped out of his room, every movement reminding him of last night's intense encounter with Jungkook. His face flushed with warmth at the memory, and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. But he couldn't stay in bed, despite the ache in his limbs. His twins needed him, and it was already late in the morning.

Slowly making his way to the kids' room, Hoseok pushed the door open, expecting to see Lila and Noah still asleep. Instead, he found their beds neatly made and the room empty. He frowned, confusion creasing his brow. Closing the door, he made his way downstairs, where the clinking of cutlery and the low murmur of conversation guided him to the dining room.

As soon as Hoseok entered, all eyes turned toward him. The five brothers sitting at the table grinned mischievously, and Hoseok's face heated up, knowing they had probably heard everything last night. He cleared his throat, trying to act natural as he greeted them.

"Good morning. Have you seen Lila and Noah? I need to get them ready for school," Hoseok asked, trying to ignore the way his cheeks burned.

Yoongi, seated at the head of the table, chuckled. "Good morning to you too, Hoseok. How was your night? Get any sleep?"

Hoseok's blush deepened as he avoided Yoongi's gaze. "Y-Yes," he stammered.

Taehyung, who was seated beside Yoongi, leaned back in his chair with a small smirk. "Don't worry about the kids. We already took them to school," he said, handing Hoseok his phone. "Check the time."

Hoseok took the phone, his eyes widening as he saw the time: nearly noon. His kids were supposed to be at school by seven. Embarrassment washed over him as he handed the phone back to Taehyung, who scoffed lightly.

"Did you enjoy yourself last night?" Taehyung asked, his tone tinged with something Hoseok couldn't quite place-was it jealousy?

Hoseok didn't respond, instead mumbling a quiet thank you for taking the kids to school. Namjoon, seated across from him, shrugged nonchalantly. "They're our kids too, Hobi."

Hoseok nodded, his thoughts interrupted by the sudden feeling of arms wrapping around his waist. He turned, his breath catching when he found himself face to face with Jungkook. The older man looked adorably sleepy, his damp hair indicating he had just taken a shower.

Jungkook leaned in, placing a soft kiss on Hoseok's lips before moving to sit beside Jin, who was chuckling at the interaction. Hoseok stood frozen for a moment before shaking his head and making his way to the table, sitting down next to Namjoon. He began filling his plate, trying to ignore the knowing looks from the others.

Then, the teasing started.

"So, Hoseok," Yoongi began, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "How does it feel to be ruined by Jungkook?"

"Yeah," Jin chimed in, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I heard someone screaming 'Jungkook!' over and over last night. Wonder who that could be?"

Hoseok's face turned an even deeper shade of red as he busied himself with his food, trying to hide his embarrassment. Jungkook, on the other hand, was laughing heartily, clearly enjoying the teasing.

"I think I remember someone saying, 'Please, Jungkook, don't stop!'" Namjoon added, barely containing his laughter.

Hoseok groaned inwardly, his hands covering his face as he felt like sinking into the floor. "Stop it," he muttered, but his words only fueled their teasing.

Jungkook, still laughing, finally spoke up. "Alright, alright, that's enough," he said, but his eyes were full of amusement. His brothers turned their attention to teasing Jungkook instead, making him blush slightly-a rare sight that caused Hoseok to smile despite his earlier embarrassment.

Throughout the entire exchange, Taehyung remained quiet, his focus seemingly on his food rather than the conversation. Hoseok noticed but didn't dwell on it too much, as the overall atmosphere at the table was lively and filled with warmth.

As Hoseok dug into his meal, he felt a strange sense of happiness settle in his chest. It was rare for him to feel this content, especially given everything that had happened. But in that moment, surrounded by the brothers, he felt something close to peace.

He sighed softly, a small smile on his lips as he muttered to himself, "I hope this lasts. And I hope they're really changing."

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