15~ Torture room

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Authors pov

Hoseok's heart-wrenching screams filled the air, echoing off the cold, unforgiving walls of the torture room. His body was racked with pain, every nerve set aflame by the brutal strikes of the whip that tore through his flesh. His cries grew more desperate with each lash, but the brothers showed no mercy.

Jimin stood in front of him, the whip in his hand as he sneered down at Hoseok. "Look at you, pathetic and weak. You thought you could poison us? You're nothing but a worthless piece of trash," Jimin spat, his voice dripping with contempt.

He brought the whip down hard across Hoseok's chest, the force of the blow sending blood splattering across the room. Hoseok gasped, his body convulsing as the pain consumed him. The rope that bound his wrists above his head cut into his skin, and he could feel his strength draining away with each passing second.

Yoongi was next, his expression cold and unfeeling as he took the whip from Jimin. "I thought you were smarter than this, Hoseok," Yoongi said, his voice a low growl. "But it turns out, you're just as stupid as you look."

He brought the whip down on Hoseok's back with a cruel smile, the leather slicing through skin and muscle alike. Hoseok's scream was hoarse and broken, his voice unable to fully convey the sheer agony he was experiencing. He could feel the warm blood running down his back, pooling at his feet.

"You really thought you could kill us?" Yoongi continued, whipping Hoseok again and again. "You should have known better. You're ours, Hoseok. You don't get to decide when this ends."

Hoseok's legs finally gave out, and he collapsed to his knees, his body trembling uncontrollably. But even as he knelt on the floor, the brothers did not relent. They circled him like predators, their eyes filled with hatred and lust.

Taehyung stepped forward, his face twisted into a cruel smile. He crouched down beside Hoseok, grabbing a fistful of his hair and yanking his head back. "Look at you, covered in blood and sweat like a filthy animal. You deserve every second of this," Taehyung hissed into Hoseok's ear.

Taehyung's free hand trailed down Hoseok's chest, his nails digging into the already bruised and torn flesh. Hoseok whimpered, trying to twist away from Taehyung's touch, but he was too weak to resist. Taehyung laughed at his futile attempts, his fingers brushing against the fresh wounds, making Hoseok shudder in pain.

"You're nothing but a toy to us, Hoseok. Something to use, abuse, and throw away when we're done," Taehyung whispered, his voice laced with sadistic pleasure. "And we're far from done."

He removed the ropes binding hoseok's writs and with a brutal shove, Taehyung pushed Hoseok onto his back, exposing the raw, open wounds that marred his skin. Taehyung straddled him, grinding against Hoseok's injured body, making him cry out in pain. "Beg for mercy, Hoseok. Beg, and maybe I'll go easy on you," Taehyung taunted.

But Hoseok was beyond words, his mind too fogged with pain and exhaustion to form coherent thoughts. All he could do was lie there, sobbing uncontrollably as Taehyung took his time, savoring every whimper and cry that escaped Hoseok's lips.

When Taehyung was finally satisfied, he stood up, leaving Hoseok trembling on the floor. Hoseok's entire body ached, his skin torn and bleeding, his breath coming in ragged gasps. But there was no reprieve, no mercy. Jin was next, and he was determined to make Hoseok pay for his betrayal.

Jin didn't bother with the whip. Instead, he crouched beside Hoseok, his hand wrapping around his throat with a vice-like grip. "I should kill you right here," Jin snarled, squeezing harder until Hoseok's vision began to blur. "But that would be too easy. I want you to suffer, to know that you're nothing. You're worthless, Hoseok. A pathetic excuse for a human being."

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