8~ Edge of Desperation

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Two days later

Two days had passed since Hoseok's last encounter with the brothers, and his situation had grown increasingly dire. The beatings had become more frequent and brutal, a direct result of his continued resistance. Hoseok found himself alone in the bathroom, his only sanctuary from their relentless cruelty. Naked and vulnerable, he stared at his reflection in the mirror, the sight of his battered body nearly unrecognizable.

His face was swollen, a dark tapestry of bruises stretching from his forehead to his jawline. His torso was a map of injuries, with bruises and welts covering every inch. He could still feel the sting from the iron end of Yoongi's belt, a reminder of their harsh methods to break him down.

Hoseok shivered as he forced himself to remain composed. His breathing was uneven as he tried to hold back tears. He gripped the edge of the sink tightly, knuckles white, as he fought to keep his emotions in check. The sight of his own reflection was a constant reminder of his predicament-his body a canvas of their brutality.

He looked down, his shoulders shaking as silent tears fell. He bit his hand to suppress any sounds of despair. Hoseok was caught between his fierce determination not to surrender and the overwhelming pressure to give in. He knew he should just accept their demands, agree to be their plaything, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. The thought of giving them the satisfaction of breaking him was unbearable. He would rather endure this suffering than let them know they had succeeded in destroying him.

A deep sigh escaped his lips as he tried to clear his mind. His desperation for escape was growing stronger with each passing hour. He needed a distraction, something to give him the chance to flee. At least they hadn't crossed the line into rape yet, but Hoseok knew they were holding back, waiting for the right moment to push him further. He had to find a way out before that horror became a reality.

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