26~ Breaking chains

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Authors pov

"What?!" The six brothers shouted in unison, their voices echoing through the room, The shock was palpable, filling the air with tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. Hoseok rolled his eyes, almost bored with their predictable reactions. Jungkook nervously laughed, trying to dismiss the situation. "That can't be possible... He is a man," he stammered, but the doctor, still holding the chart, shook his head solemnly.

"It's possible for Hoseok because he's one of the rare men who can conceive," the doctor explained.

The brothers exchanged glances, and the pieces began to fall into place—the subtle changes in Hoseok’s behavior, the way his stomach had started to swell. Jimin, eyes blazing with fury, suddenly stood up. Before anyone could react, he slapped Hoseok hard across the face, the sound of the impact echoing in the room. Hoseok and the doctor both gasped, shocked by the violence of the act.

Jimin grabbed a fistful of Hoseok's hair, yanking his head back as he shouted, "How could you keep this from us? This is crucial information!"

Hoseok, driven by a mix of pain and rage, pushed Jimin away with all the strength he could muster. "You bastard!" he screamed, his voice hoarse with emotion. "All of you... I never wanted this baby! To hell with the baby! It came from your forceful acts on me, and I'll forever hate it! The baby could die for all I care!"

Jimin, trembling with anger, raised his hand to slap Hoseok again, but before he could strike, Hoseok let out a dark, bitter laugh. "Is that all you’ve got?" he taunted. "Why don’t you strip me naked and force yourselves on me here, right now, to show the doctor who you truly are?"

The brothers gritted their teeth, glaring at Hoseok with a mix of frustration and rage. Then, as one, they turned toward the doctor, who instinctively stepped back, fear flashing in his eyes. Namjoon moved toward him, slow and menacing, his voice low and dangerous. "How dare you hide this from us?"

The doctor fell to his knees, his hands raised in a gesture of surrender. "I'm sorry! I thought Hoseok should know first. I felt pity for him!" he pleaded, his voice trembling.

Namjoon growled, a feral sound that filled the room, and with a swift motion, he kicked the doctor's nose, sending him sprawling onto the floor, blood pouring from his nostrils.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." the doctor repeated, his words muffled by his bloodied hands.

Hoseok, watching the scene with detached eyes, suddenly spoke up. "Leave him alone, Namjoon. He's not the one at fault here." His voice was cold, almost dead.

Jin ran a hand through his hair, his expression tight with stress. "Then tell us what happened to Hoseok," he demanded. "Why did he lose consciousness? And is the baby safe?"

The doctor, still kneeling on the floor, took a shaky breath and slowly stood up, wiping his bloodied nose on his sleeve. "Hoseok lost consciousness due to shock," he began. "But there's more. The real problem is the babies." He hesitated, then looked at Hoseok with an apologetic smile.

"Babies?!" Hoseok interrupted, his voice rising in horror. "You mean... more than one?"

The doctor nodded, his expression somber. "Yes, Hoseok. You're having twins—a boy and a girl."

Hoseok stared at the doctor, his mind numb, unable to process the information. Meanwhile, the brothers exchanged astonished glances, a mix of awe and fear in their eyes.

"We'll do whatever it takes to take care of Hoseok and the babies," one of them muttered, the words ringing hollow in the tense silence.

But the doctor wasn’t finished. "There’s more," he said, his voice laced with gravity. "Something strange happened to one of the babies—causing it to bleed. Hoseok, were you shocked, perhaps with a wire?"

Hoseok shot a venomous glare at his brothers. "Ask them," he spat, his voice dripping with sarcasm. The brothers' glares were cold, but they said nothing, and the doctor continued.

"One of the babies—the girl—was distressed by the shock. She started moving violently, trying to escape, but she hit her head on the pelvic bone and was injured. That's why Hoseok started bleeding—it wasn’t his blood, but the baby's. The baby is stable now, but she might have a disability as she grows. We don't know which one yet."

Hoseok scoffed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "No shit, Sherlock."

The brothers looked like they wanted to say something, but the doctor raised a hand to silence them. "There's something else," he said, his tone more urgent. "I need to have a private talk with Hoseok."

The brothers bristled at the suggestion. "You can say it in front of us," one of them said firmly.

But Hoseok, finally finding some resolve, glared at them. "Get lost," he snapped. "I need some privacy. You follow me around like bees to honey. Give me space."

They were fuming, their anger barely contained, but surprisingly, they obeyed. One by one, they filed out of the room, leaving Hoseok alone with the doctor.

Once they were gone, the doctor turned to Hoseok, his eyes filled with determination. "I'm going to help you escape,"

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