53~ Indulgence

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Authors pov

Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jimin lay in Hoseok's room, tangled together in a comfortable embrace. Hoseok was nestled in the middle, absentmindedly playing with the hem of Jimin's shirt, while Yoongi, positioned behind him, softly ran his fingers through Hoseok's hair.

Yoongi's lips began trailing delicate kisses down the side of Hoseok’s neck, causing him to giggle softly. “Stop that, Yoongi,” Hoseok whispered, the teasing touches sending shivers down his spine. But then, without warning, Jimin’s mischievous grin appeared, and his fingers found their way to Hoseok’s sides, starting a tickling assault.

“J-Jimin, no! Stop!” Hoseok laughed uncontrollably, squirming between them as he tried to escape. His laughter grew louder, almost breathless, when Yoongi joined in on the fun, both brothers relentless in their playful attack. Tears of laughter formed in Hoseok's eyes as he begged for mercy, “Please, I can’t…!”

Finally, they stopped, smiling down at Hoseok’s disheveled state as he lay panting and wiping the tears from his eyes. He looked up at them, only to find both Yoongi and Jimin gazing at him with an intensity that made his breath hitch. Hoseok chuckled nervously, trying to diffuse the tension. “W-What’s going on?”

Yoongi simply shrugged, leaning in closer, his lips ghosting over Hoseok’s skin before he licked a slow stripe up his neck. The sensation sent a jolt of pleasure through Hoseok, making him moan softly as his body reacted to the touch.

“That sound… so beautiful,” Yoongi murmured against his skin, his voice low and rough with desire.

Jimin, not to be outdone, moved in closer, his lips capturing Hoseok’s in a searing kiss that left no room for doubt about where this was heading. Hoseok moaned into the kiss, his body responding eagerly as Jimin’s tongue explored his mouth, teasing and tasting him with a hunger that made his toes curl.

Yoongi’s hands roamed over Hoseok’s body, slipping under his shirt to caress the warm skin beneath. He could feel Hoseok’s heart racing, the pulse in his neck quickening as Yoongi’s fingers traced patterns down his chest, moving lower with each breath.

Hoseok’s mind was spinning, overwhelmed by the dual sensations of Yoongi’s hands and Jimin’s lips. He felt himself sinking deeper into the bed, his body melting under their combined touch as they took their time exploring every inch of him.

“Fuck… Yoongi, Jimin…” Hoseok gasped as Yoongi’s hand found its way to his waistband, tugging it down just enough to free him. The cool air against his heated skin sent a shiver through him, but it was quickly replaced by the warmth of Yoongi’s hand as he wrapped it around Hoseok, stroking him with a firm, steady rhythm.

Jimin pulled back from the kiss, his lips swollen and red, a smirk playing on his features as he watched Hoseok’s reactions. “You like that, don’t you?” Jimin teased, his fingers brushing over Hoseok’s cheek as he leaned in to kiss him again, this time softer, slower, savoring every second.

Hoseok could only nod, his voice caught in his throat as the pleasure built inside him, his hips bucking into Yoongi’s hand. The combined attention from both Yoongi and Jimin was driving him crazy, his body writhing beneath them as they worked him closer and closer to the edge.

But Yoongi wasn’t done yet. He released Hoseok, earning a frustrated whine from him, before moving down his body, his lips and tongue tracing a path over his heated skin. Jimin, meanwhile, kept Hoseok distracted with his lips, his kisses growing more heated as Yoongi’s mouth descended lower, stopping just above where Hoseok wanted him most.

“Yoongi, please…” Hoseok’s voice was barely more than a whimper, his body trembling with need. But Yoongi took his time, his breath hot against Hoseok’s sensitive skin as he teased him with gentle licks and kisses, driving him to the brink of madness.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Yoongi took Hoseok into his mouth, his lips wrapping around him with a skill that left Hoseok seeing stars. His back arched off the bed, a low, guttural moan tearing from his throat as Yoongi worked him with an expertise that had Hoseok’s eyes rolling back in his head.

Jimin watched, his own arousal evident as he took in the sight of Hoseok completely at their mercy. He reached out, brushing his fingers over Yoongi’s hair before leaning down to kiss Hoseok’s chest, his lips and tongue finding every sensitive spot as he lavished attention on his lover.

“Shit… I’m close… so close…” Hoseok’s voice was strained, his body tensing as the pleasure built to an almost unbearable level. But Yoongi wasn’t done, his pace quickening as he sucked harder, his tongue swirling in ways that had Hoseok’s toes curling and his nails digging into the sheets.

With a choked cry, Hoseok’s orgasm hit him like a freight train, his entire body going rigid as he came, the pleasure so intense that it left him gasping for air. Yoongi didn’t stop, his mouth working him through every wave of ecstasy until Hoseok was spent, his body collapsing back onto the bed in a boneless heap.

But there was no time to recover. Jimin was there, his lips claiming Hoseok’s in a heated kiss, while Yoongi moved to position himself in-between Hoseok's thighs. They weren’t done with him yet, and Hoseok knew it. The anticipation sent a thrill through him, his body already stirring with renewed desire as Jimin kissed him senseless.

“Get ready, baby,” Yoongi whispered in Hoseok’s ear, his voice dark with promise as he positioned himself. “We’re just getting started.”

And with that, Yoongi entered Hoseok slowly, drawing a long, drawn-out moan from him as his body adjusted to the intrusion. The stretch was intense, but the pleasure that followed was even more so, his body thrumming with need as Yoongi began to move.

Jimin, not wanting to be left out, moved to straddle Hoseok’s chest, his arousal evident as he looked down at him with a heated gaze. Hoseok didn’t need to be told what to do. He reached out, wrapping his lips around Jimin, his mouth working him with the same enthusiasm that Yoongi had shown him earlier.

The room was filled with the sounds of their shared pleasure, the wet, slick sounds of Yoongi thrusting into Hoseok, the breathless moans and gasps that fell from their lips, the way Hoseok’s hands gripped Jimin’s hips as he took him deeper into his mouth. It was raw, primal, and utterly intoxicating.

As they moved together, the intensity only grew. Yoongi’s pace quickened, his thrusts becoming rougher as he chased his own release, his hands gripping Hoseok’s hips tightly as he lost himself in the pleasure. Hoseok could feel himself getting close again, the sensations overwhelming him as his body was pushed to its limits.

And then, without warning, Yoongi’s hand found its way around Hoseok’s front, stroking him in time with his thrusts. The combined sensations were too much, and with a strangled cry, Hoseok came again, his body convulsing with the force of his orgasm as Yoongi followed shortly after, his release flooding Hoseok as he buried himself deep inside him.

Jimin wasn’t far behind. The sight of Hoseok’s blissed-out expression, the way his body trembled with aftershocks of pleasure, was enough to push him over the edge. With a low groan, he spilled into Hoseok’s mouth, his hands fisting in the sheets as he rode out his orgasm.

For a moment, the room was silent, save for the sound of their heavy breathing. Hoseok was the first to move, his body collapsing back onto the bed, completely spent and utterly satisfied. Yoongi and Jimin followed suit, their bodies pressing close to Hoseok’s as they curled up together in a tangled heap of limbs and sweat-soaked sheets.

“Fuck… that was…” Hoseok’s voice trailed off, his mind too hazy to find the right words.

“Amazing?” Jimin offered with a smirk, his hand tracing lazy circles on Hoseok’s chest.

Hoseok nodded, a small, contented smile playing on his lips as he closed his eyes, letting the warmth and comfort of their embrace wash over him. “Yeah… amazing.”

Yoongi chuckled softly, pressing a kiss to Hoseok’s temple. “Get some rest, baby. We’ve got all night.”

And with that, Hoseok drifted off to sleep, a satisfied smile on his lips as he nestled between the two people he loved most. The night might have been filled with passion, but it was the love and tenderness that lingered in his mind as he slipped into a peaceful slumber.

I don't know how to feel😂

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