20~ Dangerous Deals

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Authors pov

The grand office of the six brothers was filled with the scent of power and danger as they entertained a client who had come to sample their latest product. The table before them held a pile of their most coveted creation, a potent strain of cocaine they coded as "Sweet Loud." When they want to sell to smaller vendors.

The man, who was in his late thirties and strikingly handsome, leaned down and took a long sniff of the white powder. He moaned softly as the rush of adrenaline and euphoric bliss surged through his brain and coursed through his veins.

Namjoon, ever the businessman, clasped his hands together and asked smoothly, "Do you like it, Mr. Griffin?"

The man, known as Richard Griffin, straightened up with a satisfied smile. "I think I’m in love," he said, his voice filled with awe.

Yoongi chuckled darkly from his seat. "We always have the best drugs to import. Only the finest quality."

Richard nodded, clearly impressed. "It’s a deal, then." He stood up, and the six brothers followed suit, each one of them exuding a dangerous aura as they shook hands with the client.

"I’ll send my men to bring the payment and collect the product," Richard began, but his words were cut short by a knock on the door.

Jimin’s voice was cold as he called out, "Come in."

The door slowly opened to reveal Hoseok, his head bowed, nervously playing with his fingers. The room's tension seemed to increase as all eyes turned toward him. He spotted the drugs on the table but wisely chose to remain silent.

He stuttered slightly under the intense gaze of the men, especially Richard's piercing stare. "The... the food is ready," Hoseok finally managed to say, directing his words to the six brothers.

Jin nodded but couldn't resist a teasing remark. "You didn’t poison it again, did you?"

Hoseok didn’t respond, his mind flashing back to the torture they had put him through the last time they caught him doing such an act. The memory sent a shiver down his spine. He closed his eyes and inhaled a shaky breath before saying, "I’ll take my leave."

But just as he turned to go, Richard’s voice halted him. "Wait," he said, his tone curious. Hoseok turned back around, his eyes downcast.

Richard whistled, a low appreciative sound as he looked Hoseok up and down. "Is this one of your maids?" he asked the brothers, a smirk playing on his lips.

Without hesitation, he moved closer to Hoseok and wrapped an arm around his waist. Hoseok didn’t react, his body stiff and unresponsive. Richard lifted Hoseok’s chin with a finger, forcing him to look up. The moment their eyes met, Richard’s smirk widened. "You’re so pretty," he said, tightening his grip on Hoseok's waist.

The brothers didn’t like this interaction one bit.

Namjoon’s voice was laced with possessiveness as he answered, "He’s not a maid. He’s ours. Our plaything in bed."

Richard hummed thoughtfully, his eyes never leaving Hoseok. Hoseok clenched his teeth, trying to suppress the anger and humiliation bubbling inside him. He couldn't believe he had to stand there and let these men degrade him like this.

Then, Richard dropped a bombshell. "I want him," he said bluntly. "I’ll pay any amount."

Hoseok didn’t even react. His life was already in ruins. Every day, he wished for death to take him away from this hell. Richard’s words barely registered in his mind.

"I’d like to add him to my rare collection," Richard continued, his voice filled with a sickening excitement. He turned to Hoseok and asked, "What’s your name?"

Hoseok remained silent, refusing to give him the satisfaction of an answer.

Richard’s expression darkened. He slapped Hoseok’s ass hard, causing him to flinch, but Hoseok still didn’t react.

Richard chuckled, enjoying the game. "I’d love to break you," he whispered, but as he turned to face the six brothers, his amusement faded. Their expressions were murderous.

Jungkook, his eyes blazing with fury, strode forward and yanked Hoseok away from Richard’s hold. "He’s ours," Jungkook snarled. "And I can prove it to you right here, right now if you want."

Richard’s eyes widened slightly at the offer. He licked his lips, trying to keep his composure. "As tempting as that sounds," he said, "I have a place to be. Maybe next time."

With that, Richard turned on his heel and quickly left the room, not daring to look back.

Hoseok pulled away from Jungkook’s grip, his voice trembling with barely contained emotion. "You should come downstairs for the food before it gets cold," he said, his tone hollow.

Before any of them could respond, Hoseok turned and left the room. The moment he was out of sight, the tears he had been holding back began to fall. He sniffled, wiping at his eyes as he walked towards the dining room, his heart heavy with despair.

As he set the table, one thought echoed in his mind: When will this nightmare end?

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