Unmasking the Truth

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The media storm showed no signs of slowing down, and with each passing day, the headlines only grew more vicious. It had been over three days since the article first broke, and Sanju and Bhargav had essentially been cooped up at home, riding out the relentless frenzy from behind the protective walls of their estate. While they managed to stay strong emotionally and mentally, there was still an underlying tension between them when it came to intimacy. Their intimacy had shifted to tender, lingering touches — fingers brushing, hands entwined, small gestures of affection that kept them connected. Sanju had found herself holding Bhargav's hand more often, leaning into his warmth, hoping he might understand her silent longing. But her shyness held her back from initiating anything deeper, and Bhargav, though always patient and understanding, seemed too distracted by the storm swirling around them to pick up on the signals she was too timid to voice.

As Bhargav stared out of the window one evening, watching the small crowd of reporters still gathered at the gates, a sense of unease grew in his gut. He couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't just a spontaneous media attack. Someone was pulling strings behind the scenes, fueling this fire with calculated precision. The timing of the scandal, the rapid escalation — it was too orchestrated, too targeted. The question that plagued him now was who. And that's when his instincts kicked in. He needed to find the source.

The next day, he made a few calls and quietly initiated an investigation. Through his contacts in the media world, Bhargav tracked down the first paper that published the dirt on Sanju. The editor's name, Ramesh Patil, rang a bell, but Bhargav couldn't place it immediately. What piqued his interest even more was the reporter behind the hit piece — a journalist by the name of Rajat Agarwal. Determined to get answers, Bhargav set up a discreet meeting with one of his trusted associates to dig deeper into Rajat's connections.

Within two days, Bhargav learned that Rajat had recently been in close contact with someone very familiar — Anjali Gupta. The name hit Bhargav like a punch to the gut. It made sense now. She was the one driving this narrative, using her influence from behind bars. Fury simmered beneath his composed exterior as he realized Anjali wasn't just content with ruining her own life. She wanted to ruin his and Sanju's as well. Not wasting any time, Bhargav decided to confront Rajat first. He arranged for a private meeting under the pretense of offering a statement. When Rajat showed up, expecting an easy scoop, Bhargav's icy stare told him everything he needed to know — this wasn't a friendly chat.

"You've had your fun, Rajat," Bhargav said, his voice dangerously calm. "But we both know what you published isn't journalism — it's a smear campaign." Rajat shifted uncomfortably, his earlier bravado slipping away. "I report what I hear. The people deserve to know the truth about what's happening behind closed doors, Bhargav." Bhargav's gaze darkened, his patience wearing thin. "The truth? What you've been spreading is anything but the truth. And we both know who's been feeding you these lies." Rajat's face drained of color, but he tried to recover quickly. "I get tips, Bhargav. It's my job to investigate — " "You don't need to explain," Bhargav interrupted coldly. "I know you've been in contact with Anjali. But let me make something clear, Rajat — you're nothing more than her pawn. She's using you to settle her vendetta against me. And I won't tolerate anyone dragging my wife's name through the mud. You've crossed a line, and now you'll pay the price." Rajat's composure crumbled, desperation flickering in his eyes. "I... I didn't mean for things to get so out of hand. Please, Bhargav — " "Save it," Bhargav cut him off sharply, his voice turning icy. "I won't forgive anyone who smears my wife's character. You should have thought about the consequences before publishing lies. There won't be any second chances. This ends today."

The weight of Bhargav's words settled heavily in the air. Rajat knew it was too late to plead. His career, which he had built on gossip and sensationalism, was now hanging by a thread. But no amount of begging or groveling would change Bhargav's mind. His silence spoke volumes as he realized he was in far deeper than he could handle. "I'll make sure the police get every call record, every message between you and Anjali. You've implicated yourself by being in touch with a convicted criminal and pushing false narratives. You'll face the legal consequences, and when this is over, your career will be nothing more than a memory." Rajat swallowed hard, panic creeping in, but Bhargav didn't give him another glance. He stood up, signaling the end of the conversation, and left the room without a word, leaving Rajat to stew in the mess he had created.

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