Chapter 27

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The group is gathered in the strategy room, the atmosphere tense as they discuss their next mission. There's critical evidence being transported that could lead the heroes straight to their hideout, and they need to destroy it before it reaches its destination.

Bakugo stands at the head of the table, his voice firm and no-nonsense. "This isn't a simple smash-and-grab. That evidence could put us away for good if we don't destroy it before it reaches the heroes. We'll have to move fast and hit them hard."

Rose listens carefully, her pulse quickening as Bakugo outlines the plan. This mission feels more dangerous than the others, and the pressure is palpable.

Kaminari leans forward, his expression serious for once. "So what's the plan? We hit the convoy before it reaches the city?"

Bakugo nods, "Exactly. We take out the guards, destroy the evidence, and get out before anyone knows what hit them."

Kirishima frowns, "It's going to be tough. They'll have heavy security, especially if they know what they're transporting."

Sero grins, "Good thing we love a challenge."

As the group finalizes the details, Rose can't shake the feeling of urgency that hangs in the air. "We need to do this perfectly," she thinks, glancing at Bakugo. "No room for mistakes."

Before they head out for the mission, Bakugo and Rose step away from the group for a moment. The tension between them is thick, but there's an underlying sense of understanding—something that's been building between them for a while now.

Bakugo leans against the wall, watching as she fidgets with her gear. He can sense the restlessness in her, the craving that she's trying to suppress. "You ready for this?" he asks, his voice low.

Rose nods, "Yeah. Just... trying to stay focused."

Without thinking, she steps closer to him, her hands hovering near his face. The need for his energy is almost overwhelming, and this time, she doesn't hesitate. She places her hands on his cheeks, her touch soft but urgent.

The moment her hands make contact with his skin, the energy floods into her, filling the void she's been feeling. "I need this," she thinks, her heart racing as she closes her eyes. "I need him."

Bakugo freezes for a second, surprised by the gesture. But he doesn't pull away. If anything, he leans into her touch slightly, his heart pounding in his chest.

The energy transfer is brief but intense. As Rose pulls away, their eyes meet, and for a moment, it's like the world falls away.

Rose speaks quietly, "Thanks."

Bakugo responds, "Just stay focused out there, Rose."

The group moves out, targeting the convoy transporting the evidence. The night is dark, and the streets are quiet as they close in on their target. The tension is palpable as they prepare to strike.

Bakugo signals for the group to move in, his eyes locked on the convoy. "This is it. No screw-ups, dammit."

As they close in, the convoy's guards spot them, and the fight begins. Bakugo's explosions light up the night as he takes out the first wave of enemies, while Rose moves in with brutal precision, taking down guards with her bare hands.

Kaminari zaps one of the guards with a well-aimed jolt of electricity, grinning as he watches the man drop. "We're doing good, guys! Keep it up!"

The fight is intense, with guards coming from every direction. But despite the chaos, Rose and Bakugo move in perfect sync, their movements fluid and efficient. Every time she feels her strength waning, she glances at Bakugo, the craving for his energy gnawing at her. "Not yet," she tells herself, trying to stay focused.

Just as the group starts gaining the upper hand, Kaminari gets hit by a stray energy blast. He stumbles back, clutching his side as the pain radiates through him.

"Ah, crap," he mutters, his voice tight with pain. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Just a scratch."

Rose's heart skips a beat when she sees him go down, and without thinking, she rushes to his side. "Kaminari, are you okay?

He grins weakly, "Yeah, just got knocked around a little. No big deal."

The rest of the group circles around, their expressions tense. Kirishima frowns, glancing at the wound. "You sure you're good?"

Bakugo huffs, "We don't have time for this. We need to move."

As the group moves to a safe distance, Rose stops, turning to Kaminari. "Hold still," she says, her voice steady but tense. "I'm going to give you some of my energy."

Rose places her hand on Kaminari's shoulder, concentrating as she transfers her energy to him. The process is draining, and she can feel the exhaustion creeping in, but she pushes through, watching as Kaminari's strength slowly returns.

Kaminari feels the energy flooding into him, his body buzzing with renewed strength. "Whoa... this feels amazing."

The rest of the group watches in awe as the transfer happens. Kirishima and Sero exchange glances, clearly impressed. "That's incredible," Kirishima says, his voice full of admiration.

Rose grins weakly, "Yeah, well... don't expect it every time."

Once the energy transfer is complete, the group makes their escape, putting a safe distance between themselves and the convoy. The mission was a success, but the exhaustion from the fight and the energy transfer are starting to catch up to Rose.

As they slow to astop, Rosalia leans against a wall, breathing heavily. "That took moreout of me than I thought," she thinks, her body feeling heavy withfatigue.

Dark Reciprocation (Katsuki Bakugo x OC)(Villain Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now