Chapter 74

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The soft hum of the jet fills the cabin as the group rests, each lost in their own thoughts for the past eight hours. Bakugo sits near the back, his eyes flickering toward the narrow bed where Rose rests. His mind is a storm of conflicting emotions—relief, frustration, worry. Suddenly, a soft movement catches his attention. She stirs, her hand reaching out weakly.

He watches her, his heart skipping a beat as her eyes flutter open. She looks pale, drained, but her gaze locks onto his, and there's a familiar craving in her eyes. She reaches out, her hand trembling slightly. "Katsuki... I need your energy."

Bakugo's first instinct is to question her—about Spain, about everything she's been hiding. But the vulnerability in her voice, the exhaustion etched into her features, holds him back. "Not now." He moves closer, placing his hand over hers, allowing her to take some of his energy.

A soft sigh escapes her lips as she draws in his strength, her body visibly relaxing. The warmth of his energy floods through her, soothing the ache in her limbs. But it's more than just a physical relief—it's a connection, one she's missed desperately in his absence.

Bakugo watches as color slowly returns to her face, but she still looks weak. Without thinking, he leans in closer, his forehead brushing gently against hers. "You scared the hell out of me," he mutters, his voice low and rough.

She manages a small smile, her hand resting on his cheek. "I'm still here," she whispers, her voice soft but filled with emotion. Her eyes search his, and in that moment, there are no questions, no doubts—just the shared understanding between them.

Without another word, Bakugo closes the distance between them, his lips capturing hers in a kiss that's filled with both desperation and relief. It's soft, lingering, and for a brief moment, the rest of the world fades away.

After a few moments, Bakugo pulls back, his gaze softening as he helps Rose to her feet. She's still unsteady, her body weakened from the blood loss, but she leans into him for support. Together, they make their way to the front of the jet, where the rest of the group sits.

Kaminari looks up as they approach, relief flooding his face when he sees Rose. "Hey, you're up!" he exclaims, his tone lighter than it's been in days. But his smile fades slightly when he notices how weak she still looks.

"You should sit down," Kirishima says gently, motioning to one of the seats. But before she can respond, Bakugo pulls her onto his lap, wrapping an arm around her waist protectively.

He doesn't care about the surprised looks from the others. After everything that's happened—the months of separation, the pain of seeing her hurt—he needs her close. "She's fine," he mutters, though his grip tightens slightly. "She'll be fine."

"So... what's the plan when we get to Spain?" Kaminari asks, breaking the silence. He leans forward, curiosity and concern in his voice. "We're all kind of flying blind here."

Rose hesitates, her eyes flickering with uncertainty. "We'll figure it out when we land," she says softly, her tone vague. She avoids Bakugo's gaze, knowing he's already suspicious of her reluctance to share more. "I've got a few things lined up... we'll be fine."

But there's a hint of worry in her voice, a subtle crack in the confidence she's trying to project. She can feel Bakugo's eyes on her, the weight of his unspoken questions pressing down on her.

As the group continues to chat, Bakugo remains quiet, his mind churning with thoughts. "Why Spain? What aren't you telling me?" He watches her closely, the way her fingers fidget slightly, the way her eyes avoid his. There's more to this than she's letting on, and he's determined to find out what.

But not now. She'sstill recovering, and there's a long journey ahead. "I'll get myanswers." For now, all he can do is keep her close and wait for theright moment.

Dark Reciprocation (Katsuki Bakugo x OC)(Villain Bakugo)Where stories live. Discover now