Chapter 19

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Anushka's POV_

"I am so excited! It's my first time, I am gonna ride in a train!" Abhay exclaims enthusiastically.

" Me too!" Jay answers with equal amount of excitement.  And the brothers  high fived eachother.

" Of course! You guys are brothers and lived in london!" Chitra di said and everyone laughed.

" Mahi! Are we going on trek when we reach Manali?" I asked my sister. " I don't think we should..." Mahi said, frowning slightly. 

" What di? Nothing will happen! Gulati please tell her!" I whined. Gulati nodded at me.

" Yeah! Mahi, she is right!  It will be one hell of a experience! " Gulati exclaimed.

" I agree!" Chitra agreed.

" Well then let's ask our guests" all of our heads turned to Abhay and Jay. I was looking expactantly at them.

" Count me in!" Abhay said. I grinned.

" Thank you so much Abhay! You are the sweetest!" I said. He smiled at me.

" aahhhmm" This sound came from Jay.

" I don't know Anushka" he dragged every word. I glared at him.

" Let me think...aaauuumm" he pretended to think. I just wanted to remove my shoes from my feet and hit his stupid face with it.

" Jay!" Abhay laughed while giving jay a nudge. Jay breaks into a smile.

" Fine! I am also in" He says while chuckling. 

" Well then I guess we all are going on a trek!" Mahi exclaimed.

" Yaay!" I let out a squeal and hugged the person beside me. Which was Chitra di. She laughed and wrapped her arm around me. Everyone laughed. 
_Skip Time_

I felt some shaking my shoulder.  I opened my eyes reluctantly and saw it was mahi.

" Get up Anu. We are here!" Mahi said. I shot her a confused look.

" We reached Manali so fast?" I asked dumbly. Mahi rolled her eyes.

" No stupid! We reached the train station!" Gulati said.

" Oh.." I got off the jeep.

" You know I wanna have the 'simran-raj' scene' so I'll get into the train when it starts." I announced. 

" I'll be the Raj! " chitra di said while grinning.

" okay!" I chirped.  We both  spat on our palms and shook it.

" The deal" chitra di started.

" Has been sealed." I finished. Mahi and Gulati didn't care as they were used to oue crazy antics.

" ewww!"

"Cheee!" The brothers scrunched their noses in disgust. 

" That's how they seal their deal." Mahi said to them. 

" That is disgusting!" Jay said to me.

" As if I care!" I told him.

" Let's get on the train Baby! " Gulati said.

" I told you I wanna be Simran!"

"Fine  then.stay here!" Mahi di said and got on the train. All of them went one after one. I was now all alone there. I looked around to see the place around me. Some mothers were crying for their children, some were ecstatic.

" oyee Chipkali! " I rolled my eyes.  How I wish I didn't knew this voice. I turned around.

" What?" I asked monotonously.

" Won't you get on the train? It will leave any moment now!" He said.

" do you have a hearing problem? " I asked, faking concern.

" What?"

"When I told that I'll get on the train starts. Didn't you heard that?" I asked and  he rolled his eyes.

" Do you know how stupid you are sounding now?" He asked. I nodded.

" Yeah...but I wanna experience this!" I said while grinning from ear to ear. The whistles gone off and train started. He looked at me.

" Remember that day, you I said I have to do something you say?" He asked. I nodded.

" We'll then I'll help you in this stupid experience!  Then we'll even right?" He asked. I grinned and nodded my head frantically. 

" Okay then" he got on the train and laid his hand infront of me. I smiled like an idiot.

" Don't just stand there and smile like an idiot.  Grab my hand Chipkali!" He yelled. I saw all of them coming behind. 

" What! Not fair yaar! I said I'll be Raj!" Chitra di whined.

" Anushka! " jay yelled ignoring all of them. When he was far off. I started running.  I forwarded my hand to take a hold of his hand. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I was panting like crazy.

" You are such a filmy drama queen!" Jay complained.  I grinned at him.

" Thanks!" I thanked Jay.

" So Jay is Anu's Raj!" Mahi exclaimed loudly. I smacked my forehead. I grabbed her shoulders and start shaking it.

" It was just a stupid stunt and nothing more than that di!" I said to Mahi.

"Whatever you say chotu!" I rolled my eyes.  We all went to our compartment. We all took our seats and Abhay started the conversation.

" So you guys are together from Childhood? " Abhay asked Gulati.  Gulati laughed.

" I knew we had some sort of connections but I had work my ass off to get her, she had a crush on Veer!" Gulati said. I pulled out a confused face.

" Mahi? I thought Chitra di and Veer liked each other.  That's why stopped crushing on him." I said to Gulati.

" Wait! I did like Veer but he had a crush on you. That's why I backed off." Chitra said to me.

" Veer had a crush on Anu!?" Gulati asked.

"Yeah! Guys didn't you see how Veer used to stare at Anu!?" Chitra di said.

" yeah..he used to be closer to Anu than any of us.." Mahi trailed off.

" Veer had a crush on me and you guys knew it! Yet anyone didn't told me! Yaar If I knew, you guys would have had such cute neice and nephews in your arms by now!" I whined. All of them started laughing at my rant except Aakru.

" You had a crush on somebody?!" Jay asked with a surprised expression.

" Yeah so.."

" No it's just so unbelievable!" He said in a surprised tone. I glared at him and hit his arm.

" Oww" he winced in pain. 

" He was really hot yaar!" Mahi said with a dreamy look while Gulati scowled at her.

" That chiseled figure! " Chitra di joined Mahi. Abhay pulled out an emotionless expression on Chitra di. Aw I feel bad for him.

" And his greek god features!" I decided to join them. Jay raised his eyebrows at me and shook his head to signify a 'seriously?!' Look.

" Mahi! You have a boyfriend!" Gulati said while pointing at him.

" Chitra.. *cough* bhai*cough*" Jay brought Chitra into reality. And she started blushing.

" You know now toh I have an official license to dream about him!" I declared while grinning like an idiot.

" Whatever! " they rolled their eyes at me but soon began cackling.

Sooo sorry! For that late update. So what fo you think of it? Let the votes and comments coming.  8)

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