Chapter 25

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Third person's POV_

Chitra felt a hand wrapped around her waist. Chitra became tensed

But yet really comfortable in his grasp. She felt Abhay's hot breathe against her neck. Chitra was wide awake by now. She looked at the clock at her night stand. It was 6 am. She thought it was the perfect time to get up since they have to leave for ambala. Chitra thought of freshening up before waking everyone up. She tried remove Abhay's arms off her waist. But it was difficult, without waking him up. She had no other option than to wake him up.

"Abhay wake up." Chitra said. A faint groan escaped from Abhay's mouth. Chitra turned to face Abhay and shook him.

"Abhay wake up!" Chitra said once again. Abhay opened his eyes slightly and stared at Chitra.

"Good morning!" Abhay said in his sexy, morning voice. Chitra felt giddy inside hearing Abhay's husky voice.

"Good morning" Chitra managed to blurt out.

"It's 6 am, I think we should get up now" chitra added.

"Yeah." Abhay said and sat up.

"You go freshen up, meanwhile I will wake up the others." Chitra said and left the room.

She decided to wake Karan and Mahi up, since their room was just beside theirs. And Anu and Jay's room was downstairs. Which was both blessing and a curse.

Blessing because they won't be able to hear jay and Anu's yelling and Curse because, if Jay and Anu murdered each other, they won't know.

Chitra knocked on the door of Karan and Mahi. Normally, this Gulati doesn't have a habit of knocking on door but because of the safety of her own eyes, Chitra knocked.

"Come in!" Yelled Mahi. Chitra opened the door and got inside. Mahi was towel drying her wet hair while karan was sleeping in an unusual position.

"When did you wake up?" Chitra asked Mahi.

"A few minutes ago!" Answered Mahi.

"Since you've  woken up, you'll  wake Karan up too while I go wake up Jay and Anu!" 

Chitra said and made her way downstairs, only to see Anu in the kitchen making herself a cup of tea.

"What is happening today?" Said Chitra. Anu shot her a weird look.

"What happened?" Anu asked her.

"You know today, every girl has woke up earlier than usual and the boys are still sleeping!" Chitra said while taking a seat on the kitchen counter.

"By the way, you usually don't get up this early. So what's the occasion. Oh wait you are after all feeling excited over this wedding, aren't you?" Chitra yelled so loudly in excitement that it could a wake a whole society.

"Ow my eardrums!" Anu said while holdinh her ears. Chitra glared at her.

"And I woke up early because,I wasn't that sleepy!" Anu answered while pouring herself and Chitra cup of teas.

"Or maybe it was the excitement to see Veer again!" Chitra smirked while taking her cup of tea from Anu. Anu shook her head and sipped on her tea.

"You guys just can't see things simple, no? Even it is, you will do something to make it complicate!" Anu said and Chitra shamelessly nodded.

"Anu I'll go see if Abhay has woken or not, meanwhile you check on Jay!"

"Nope!" Anu answered bluntly.

"Anu please!" Chitra pleaded. Chitra knew Anu couldn't resist this much longer and she was right.

"Fine! And I'll wake him up the way want. No one will complain okay?" Anu asked.

"Fine!" Chitra said and ran upstairs.

Anu opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle of cold water and made way toward's jay's room.
Anushka's POV_

I opened the door slowly and queitly.without making a sound and crept in. I took light steps and went near his bed. I carefully removed the blanket off his face. I opened the cap of the water bottle and tilted it towards his head, making the cold liquid fall right on his face.

"Ahh!" He screamed and I bursted out laughing. 

"Anu ki bacchi!!!!" He yelled at me. If he was a cartoon you could see the smoke coming from his nose and ears. This doubled the pace of my laughter.

He grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back.

"Ahh it's hurting!" I winced as I was struggling to get off his hold.

"That you should have thought before pulling this prank on me!" He hissed and I scowled.

"Let go off me!" I ordered.

"Oye who are you ordering? I am not you dad's driver!" He said.

"My dad's driver is much better than you!" I retorted. After a few seconds, I could hear the sound of his chuckle.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked.

"Remember  Jab we met?" He asked. He let go off me and I faced him, looking confused.

"Think!" He pressured.

"Fine!" And I started recall the day we met.

" No sorry no nothing? And what do you think? I am you dad's driver, that you'll give order and I'll obey it!" I barked.

" Oh please! My dad's driver is much better than you!

"Ohhhhhhhhhh" we said together ad bursted out laughing.

"That's the day you made me hate you!" I said while laughing.

"Same here!" He too said while laughing.

"Why are you guys laughing?" Mahi asked, as she, Gulati, Chitra and Abhay entered Jay's room.

"We were recalling of some 'memories'" Jay said while air quoting the 'memories'.

"It's hard to even imagine, that you two have some memories." Abhay said.

"Not true! We do have some memories!" I said.

"Though it's not loveable but hateful!" I added sheepishly.

"Anyways get ready both of you!" Mahi said and one by one everyone left the room. So did I.


Everyone was outside the house, Gulati gave the house keys to bahadur kaka and we loaded ourselves and the luggages in the car and left for the airport.

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