Chapter 22

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Abhay's POV_

"Okay guys shut up!" I put my hands on my lips and they all followed me. I don't know if its a curse or blessing, that I didn't drink much.  Curse, because now I have to take them home all by myself or blessing because, thank god I didn't drink much, becauae then god know what we had to face in the morning.

"It's the time to disco, disco!" karan blurted out while doing the step.  I shook my head.

"I want to drink morrrrree!" Anu slurred.

"Me too! Let's get married?" Jay said. I smacked  my forehead.

"We'll be the bridesmaid!" Mahi and Chitra yelled together.

"And I'll be the best man!" Karan exclaimed.

"Ummm okay!" Anu agreed. They both linked arms and started going to the other direction.

"Oyee wait! You guys can get married in the morning!" I said. Jay smiled creepily at me.

"Bhaiyyya, meet your bhabi!" Jay said.  I chuckled. I shoved all of them in the car and drove to the house.

God! No one is in their senses, how will I take them to their room?

With great difficulty, I opened the main door, and put them in the couch. At first I took Anu and Jay since their room is in the downstairs itself. I took them by their hands.

"You know Jay I don't hate you!" Anu blurted.

"Me too! Can we friends?" Jay asked.

"Nope!" Anu said while popping the 'p'. I went to Anu's room and laid her on her bed. Then I did the same with Jay, in his room. I went back to the hall and took Mahi and Karan, the same way I did with jay And anu.

I came back to the hall to take Chitra with me now.

"Chitra get up!" I said softly.

"No!" She shook her head. She held her hands up.

"Pick me up!" She said. I picked her up in bridal style and made my way to our room.



"I like you too!" I smiled broadly. I looked down to her face to see her softly snoring. I smiled. I went to our room and laid her on the right side. I took off her shoes and put the blanket on top of her. I took off my shoes and changed into some casuals. I laid next to her and slept thinking about her angelic face.
Anushka's POV_

Ugh my head is throbbing! I was still wearing last night's cloth. I got up and changed into hoodie and sweatpants. I directly went to the kitchen, where we saw Abhay making coffee. Thank god! I really need coffee.

"Good morning!" He chirped.

" Morning! Can I get a cup of coffee?" I asked while banging my head on the counter.

"Brooooo I need coffee!" A voice yelled from behind. I turned around to see Jay, only in boxers.

"Ahhhhh" I screamed and turned around quickly, Jay was facing my back.

"What?" He asked and sat beside me. While Abhay was having laughter fit.

"Wear some clothes besharam jhallah!" I yelled without looking at him.

"What I am comfortable!"  He says as he takes a bite from his apple.

"Jay, go wear some thing!" He groaned but nevertheless got up and went to him.

"How do you bear him?" I ask while he chuckles.

"Forget about me, you were making plans about bearing him your whole life!" He says. I shot him confused look.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as he handed me a mug of hot delicious coffee. I took a sip. Heaven!

"Jay proposed you last night, and you said yes!" He says with a stupid smile on his face.

"Bhabi!" He added quickly. I chocked on my coffee.

" who proposed who?" Jay asked, wearing a t shirt but still in his boxers.Jhallah.

"You proposed Anu!" Abhay said as he handed him a cup of coffee.

"What the sincere fuck?" He asked. His eyes were about pop out of his sockets.

"We got married..?" He asked Abhay.

"No! But if I didn't stopped, you probably would've got married!"

"Thank god! You were sober, or else we would've gotten married and became the 'ek main ekk tu wala couple' . I mean seriously, me, Mrs. Jayvardhan Raichand. No freaking way!" I said while taking a sip from my coffee mug. I turned around to see jay shooting me a deadly look.

"Oh look here comes the bridesmaids and the bestman"  he pointed towards, Chitra, Mahi and Gulati.

"Bridesmaid and Bestman?" Mahi asked.

"Yeah, in Jay and Anu's wedding, you two are the Bridesmaid. " he pointed to Chitra and Mahi.

"And you are the Bestman! "  he pointed Gulati. 

"Shaadi mubarak!"  Gulati came and forcibly shook my and Jay's hands. We both shot him 'wtf' look. Obviously he was still 'tun'(drunk).

"What?" Mahi and Chitra asked in unison, pulling a confused expression.

I explained them everything. They were literally rolling on the floor laughing.

"You know Jay, a crying baby and a drunk person speaks utter truth!" Mahi says to Jay.

"I don't what you mean, nor we want to know!" I say.

"Yeah, keep yourself in denial!" I rolled my eyes at her. I took my coffee mug and went to my room.
Chitra's POV_

Everyone left one by one. Now it was only me and him.

"Chitra, did you mean what you said last night?" He asked.

Of course I did! Stupid! The real question should be ' do uou remeber what you said last night?'.

" you know Abhay, a crying baby and a drunk peraon speaks utter truth!" I said and left from there.

I hope he got the hint!

So how was the chapter? :)

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