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Sari’s life had taken unexpected turns since she became a mother. The woman who once chased her dreams with fearless abandon now found herself caught between the deep love she had for her daughter and a restless longing for the freedom she once knew.

Five years ago, her world shifted when she brought her daughter into the world. Every sleepless night, every small triumph, every quiet moment was shaped by motherhood. She adored her child there was no question about that. Her daughter had become her anchor, her heart. But as the years passed, a quiet voice within her began to stir, reminding her of the woman she used to be before motherhood consumed her entire identity.

Sari had been adventurous, living for the thrill of each new experience. She had dreams that went beyond the four walls of her home, beyond the responsibilities that now defined her. There were days she missed that version of herself the one who felt light, untethered, free.

Now, as her daughter grew older, Sari stood at a pivotal moment. The love she felt as a mother was powerful, but so was the need to reconnect with herself. Could she rediscover the woman she once was while still being the mother her daughter needed? Would she choose to fall in love again with the life she had now, or break free to explore the world beyond?

It was a question that weighed heavily on her heart. The balance between love and freedom had never been more fragile.

MY FIRST AND MY LAST S2 (HAMBEBE AU)Where stories live. Discover now