The Missing piece

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Sari sat at the kitchen table, her phone in hand, nervously glancing at the clock. It was later than usual, and she hadn’t heard from Zach or Miyuki since school let out. The silence in the house felt unsettling. She dialed Zach’s number, tapping her fingers anxiously as the phone rang.

After a few rings, Zach finally picked up. “oh, Sari?”

“kuya, nasaan ba kayo? kanina pa'ko dito nag hihintay. Wala pa rin kayo” Sari asked, her voice tight with worry.

There was a slight pause on the other end of the line before Zach responded, his tone a bit more relaxed than she had expected. “ah, don't worry everything’s fine. I took Miyuki out for ice cream. She looked kind of sad after school, so I thought I’d cheer her up.”

Sari’s heart softened, though the concern didn’t fully leave her. “Sad? ang saya saya niya pang umalis ng bahay kanina. What happened at school?”

“I’m not sure,” Zach admitted, his voice thoughtful. “She didn’t really want to talk about it at first. But you know how kids are, sometimes it’s just a tough day. I figured a little treat might help.”

Sari sighed, a mix of relief and guilt washing over her. She wished she’d noticed Miyuki’s feelings earlier but was grateful that Zach was there to step in. “Salamat kuya, Zach. I didn’t even realize...”

“Hey, no worries,” Zach interrupted gently. “She’s my niece. I just want her to know that she has people she can count on. We’re having a little fun, and I’ll bring her home soon.”

Sari smiled, her earlier anxiety fading. “I really appreciate it. Huwag mong masyadong ini- spoil ang anak ko ha baka masanay yan”

“Will do,” Zach said, and Sari could hear the smile in his voice. “We’ll be home in a bit. Don’t worry.”

As she hung up the phone, Sari leaned back in her chair, feeling a wave of gratitude for her brother.


It was bedtime, and the soft glow of a nightlight bathed Miyuki’s room in a warm, comforting light. Sari sat beside her on the edge of the bed, gently tucking in the blankets around her daughter.

Miyuki, clutching her stuffed bunny, gazed up at her mom with an expression that was both curious and slightly troubled. Sari noticed the shift in her daughter’s mood and leaned in closer, brushing a few strands of hair away from Miyuki’s face.

“Are you okay, anak?” Sari asked, her voice soft and gentle. “You seem like something’s on your mind.”

Miyuki bit her lip, hesitating for a moment before speaking. “Mommy, do I have a dad?”

The question caught Sari off guard, her heart skipping a beat. She hadn’t expected this, not tonight, not yet. She sat still for a moment, searching for the right words, as a knot of emotions tightened in her chest.

“Why do you ask, sweetie?” Sari asked, keeping her tone calm, though she felt her heart ache.

Miyuki looked down at her bunny, fiddling with its ears. “At school, the teacher asked everyone what their daddy’s name is. But... I didn’t know what to say because I don’t know who my daddy is.” Her voice wavered slightly as she continued,

“Everyone else in my class talked about their dads, but I couldn’t. And now I’m wondering... do I have one?”

Sari’s heart broke at the innocent question. She took a deep breath, her hand resting gently on Miyuki’s shoulder. “Oh, sweetheart... that’s a really big question,” she said softly. “And I’m so sorry if it made you feel confused or left out today.”

Miyuki’s wide eyes looked up at her, searching for answers. “So... do I, Mommy? Have a dad?”

Sari swallowed hard, her mind racing. She knew this conversation would come eventually, but facing it now, with Miyuki so young, felt even more challenging. “Well, you do have a dad, but he’s not here with us,” Sari began carefully.

“Sometimes, families are a little different. Some families have a mom and a dad, some have two moms or two dads, and some families, like ours, have just a mommy.”

Miyuki blinked, listening intently. “So, where is he? My dad?”

Sari paused, thinking of how much to share, how much her little girl could understand. “He’s... not with us, sweetie. It’s just been me and you for a long time. But that doesn’t mean you’re missing anything. You have so much love around you with tito  Zach, and your tita ninangs. And I love you more than anything in the world.”

Miyuki seemed to ponder this for a moment. “But why don’t I know him?”

Sari sighed, gently rubbing Miyuki’s back. “Sometimes, things don’t work out the way we expect them to. Your dad... he wasn’t ready to be part of our lives. But I want you to know that you’re never alone. You have me, and you have so many people who love you.”

Miyuki was quiet for a while, then finally nodded, snuggling deeper into her blankets. “Okay, Mommy. I just wanted to know.”

Sari smiled, leaning down to kiss her daughter’s forehead. “I’m always here to answer your questions, my love. You can ask me anything, anytime.”

“Okay,” Miyuki whispered, her eyes growing heavy with sleep. “Goodnight, Mommy.”

“Goodnight, my sweet girl,” Sari replied, watching her daughter drift off to sleep. As she sat there in the quiet of the night, Sari felt a mix of relief and sadness. She knew there would be more questions in the future, and with each one, she’d have to balance the truth with the protection of her daughter’s heart. But for tonight, they were okay. Together.

MY FIRST AND MY LAST S2 (HAMBEBE AU)Where stories live. Discover now