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"Upstairs now." Tatiana said and Michael went.

"That's what he gets." Nicole said and turned to his friends. "Hi, I'm Nicole Smith, Tatiana's best friend." She smiled.

"I'm Adrian and this is Jeff." Adrian said, kissing her hand. "You and your name is sexy." He told her, making her blush.

"If I wasn't mistaking, I'd think you're flirting with me." She said.

"Trust me, I am and I want to make you my girlfriend, but y'know I think you got a boyfriend."

She shook her head no.

"You mean to tell me, as sexy as you are, no boyfriend at all?" Jeff asked confused.

"Yes, I don't have a boyfriend."

Michael and Tatiana came back out.

"What do you do for a living now?" Tatiana asked.

"Babes, my dream job. I start in a couple of days." She said, looking up.

Michael was staring at her legs, since she was wearing a skirt.

Nicole's phone rung and she left to answer it.

"Tatiana, don't blame Michael for what happened. We were just talking, you know that he loves you." Adrian said.

"I know." She said, kissing his lips.

Nicole walked in and had a sad look on her face.

"What's wrong?" Tatiana asked.

"Someone out bought me for the condo." She said.

"It's okay, you can stay here." Tatiana said, rubbing her back.

"Hell no." Michael said and everyone looked at him.

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