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The Next Day

Nicole stormed into Smith's Fashion Building mad as hell as Michael and Nick trailed her with Jaden.

They got to the top floor and she busted into the meeting area. Nicole walked to the front.

"Hi, baby. I didn't know you were coming by." Krista smiled and Nicole's frown remained.

She searched the room for Stacy and found her.

She walked up to Stacy and slapped her.

Everyone looked at them and Stacy stood up.

"You fucking bitch. You had the nerve to come over my best friend's house and then take my son?!" Nicole screamed at her. "Then you have those people hurt me!?"

"Nicole, this is not the time or place." Krista said.

"Nicole, I have no clue what you're talking about." Stacy lied.

Michael and Nicole both rolled their eyes and laughed.

"Stac, you're caught on camera. Is that why you went home early after lunch?" Michael asked.

Two officers walked in and she gulped.

"Busted?" Nicole taunted. "You can arrest her. You're going away. I don't play when it comes to our children."

"I'm sorry." Stacy begged and the officer cuffed her. "They're planning another attack!"

The officer took her out and Nicole looked at Michael.

"You're well safe." Michael assured and Jaden started whining.

"Go to my office, now." Krista demanded and they went.

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