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Tatiana just sat down and spoke to everyone else, but me. I expected that.

"Miss, can I get you something to drink?" The waiter asked me.

"Um, can I just get water?"

"Of course." He smiled and I gave him one back.

This man is flirting with me and it's killing Michael.

"Can I get water and a lemonade for her?" Michael asked.

Kyle and Adrian ordered and the waiter winked at me and left.

"I think he likes you." Tatiana said and I looked around. "You, Nicole."

"Yeah, I can tell." I said.

This is the first time we spoke to each other normally, in a while.

"You should go for it." She said.

I nodded and looked at the menu.

Our waiter, Andre, came back and gave us our drinks. We ordered our food and he left again.

"You're blushing." Adrian pointed at me.

I looked down and covered my face.

"Leave me alone." I said and sipped my water.

Michael frowned at me and I looked down.

I don't understand why he's tripping. He's married and I'm single, meaning I can date whoever I want.

"Here you are." Andre said, placing our food in front of us.

"Thanks." We said in unison.

"I was wondering if you could sign my book?" He asked me.

I nodded and signed my name and put my number.

He saw my number and smiled at me. He left and Tatiana spoke up.

"You put your number?" She asked.

I nodded and she smiled.

She's only happy because this means I will stop messing soon around with Michael.

Okay, so I updated wrong chapter today and y'all wasn't supposed to read that. I'll update the one you read today a little after this one.

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