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"Who was that on the phone?" I asked Nicole, making my plate.

"Someone, Michael." She said.

"Someone. This someone is taking my girlfriend out around six tomorrow."

"Michael, I'm not your girlfriend. More like your baby mama." She said, shrugging.

I walked over and kissed her. She tried not to kiss back, but failed.

"You're mine and no other man is going to have you." I whispered against her lips.

She turned her head and pouted.

"I'm sorry, but I'm still going with him." She said.

I sighed and sat next to Shané.

Shay gave me her pretty smile and I smiled back.

"Are you afraid he's going to take me from you?" She asked.

I nodded because I was chewing and looked at her.

"Babe, I don't want to see you in another man's arms. I'm praying time will go by faster, so I can marry you and you know I am." I said.

"I know, baby, but we aren't together." She said.

I groaned and the kids looked at me.

"Look at us. Don't you feel like we're a family baby?" I questioned her.

She didn't reply, just continued eating.

I finished my food and left the kitchen.

I'm unpublishing "Two Different Worlds: For Better or Worse" for a while. I'm making some changes.

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