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"Younger sister?" Nicole frowned and let them in.

"Yes, she's two years younger than you." Krista said.

She sat on the couch and started explaining to her.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Michael and Tatiana are having a heated make out session.

Tatiana pulled away and looked at his shirt collar. "Why is this here?"

"Why is what there?" He asked clueless.

"This pink lipstick, Michael. Don't say it's mine because I don't like pink lipstick."

He sighed. "It's Janet's."

Tatiana looked him suspiciously. "She kissed your collar."

"She's little and buried her face in my neck." He smiled. "You're jealous. Babe, I would never cheat on you."

Tatiana smiled and kissed him again.

Nicole walked in and frowned.

"That counter is for food, not your butt, Tat." She said, frowning at her and Tatiana got down.

"Sorry, Nikki. You need a man." Tatiana said, booty bumping her.

"Jesus is the only man I need."

Michael laughed and Nicole smiled.

Tatiana looked out the window and squealed.

"What is it?" Michael said, looking at his happy wife.

"They're here." She said and Nicole smiled big.

They walked up to the house and knocked.

"Chris and Nick!!!" Nicole said, jumping in their arms.

"Nikki." They said and hugged her back.

"No hug for me?" Tatiana said, pretending to be hurt.

They went over and hugged her.

When she hugged Chris, she nearly died, until Michael cleared his throat and she pulled away.

"I'm Michael, Tatiana's husband." Michael said, holding his hand out for them to shake, which they did.

"Nickolas and Christian." Krista said.

They looked up and frowned at the sight of their mother.

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