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Two days later

"Mommy!" Shané yelled.

"Be quiet!" Nicole yelled.

She's in the kitchen, working on her new design for her boss.

She got her job back at Fashion Wellington's Palace and still hates it.

"Hey, babycakes." Her father said.

She gave him a warm smile and went back to work.

"Grandpa got ice cweam." Junior said excited.

"You two go show Malik and stay out the kitchen." Nicole instructed and they went.

"Stop stressing yourself."

"Dad, this is due in three days and I have nothing to turn in." She said, throwing her glasses down.

Nickolas grabbed her shoulders and looked in her eyes.

"Breathe and relax. Something will come to you. Stressing and getting frustrated isn't helping, now is it?" She pouted and mumbled a no. "Let's go take the kids somewhere."

"Christian is in town with his wife and daughter." Nicole said and stood up.

Her father smiled and went to go get his grandkids.

Nicole went to get dressed. After she finished, she scrolled through her phone and saw a message.

I can keep apologizing and I know you'll never forgive me. I love you and I meant when I said that. I just have three important questions.
'Do you still love me?'
'Were you really pregnant by me?'
'Can we meet up?'

I would like to hear these answers in person. Meet me at that new French restaurant @8 2nite.

-Michael xoxo

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