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"Pick up, please." Nicole said as she sat in the children's playroom.

"Hello?" He said.

"I can't find them. They're missing." She said and busted out crying.

"Who is?"

"Shay and Junior. They were just here and now I can't find them."

"Breath." She took a deep breath and listened. "I'll be over there soon"

"See you when you get here." She hung up and held Shay's bear to her chest.


Nicole hurried and opened the door. She hugged him tightly and he hugged her back.

She missed him so much, while he was gone. She's not willing to forgive yet, especially while her children are missing.

"Where were they?"

"In the playroom, Michael." She said and closed the door.

"Come on." They walked to playroom and Michael looked by the window. "This is shut tight."

"I looked all over the house and nothing." She said.

"Maybe they're playing hide and seek." He suggested.

They walked around the house looking around for them, but came up short.

Nicole sat on the couch and started crying again.

"This isn't your fault." Michael said and crouched down in front of her.

"Yes, it is. I wasn't watching them. I was too busy trying to figure out why your mother came and if I could forgive you." She said.

"Mother actually came?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah, she wanted to see them." Nicole said and Michael pulled out his phone.

He dialed his mother's number and waited for her to answer.

"Hello, son!" She chirped into the phone.

He frowned a bit and wiped Nicole's tear stained face.

Nicole looked into his eyes and rubbed his cheek.

"Hey, you stopped by Nicole's earlier?"


"Why?" After Michael asked that Nicole kissed him.

"I went to get your kids." She heard Nicole slightly moan into the phone, making her frown on the other end. "Michael?"

Nicole pulled him down on the floor and laid with him.

"I'm here and I heard you. I'm on my back there. See you there, bye."

"They're with my mother." Michael said.

Nicole felt nothing, but rage build up inside her.

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