MWBF 103

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I didn't go to the meeting Krista announced this morning. I'm trying to finish Nicole's party for tonight. Krista and Tatiana thought it would be a great idea. Nicole was a party girl, but isn't really one anymore since she had our children.

"Hello, this is Michael Jackson, the one who order the cake and I was wondering if you could deliver it an hour later instead of the original time. If there's a problem, please call this number back and we can arrange something else." I said and hung up.

The guy who's suppose to be making the cake said there was a problem and then said the cake will be late, so I decided to bring it at a later time.

I got a knock on my office door and I yelled come in. Nicole came in and smiled at me.

"I have good and bad news." She said.

"What's the good?" I said.

"My parents are watching the kids, meaning I'm all yours tonight." She said.

"Wrong, I thought we were going to get my stuff?"

"Michael, we can get it tomorrow, since it's Saturday." She said.

I nodded and sat back in my chair. She came over and sat on my lap.

"What's the bad news?" I asked. She started, kissing my neck.

"I. Have. To. Work. With. Cole. And. You. Have. To. Work. With. Liz." She said between each kiss.

"Hell no." I said.

"Michael, I said the same thing, but she drew names and it happened." She said.

I could tell she doesn't want to work with no one else. I got another knock and Liz walked in.

"Hey, Michael." She said.

You could see the jealousy on her face.

Nicole gave her a smile and pecked my lips.

"I love you and my mom wants you." She said.

She's showing Liz I'm hers and she's not going to get me.

"Okay, I'll see you for lunch." I said.

She gave me another kiss and bumped into Liz on purpose. Liz scoffed and I smiled at Nicole as she left.

I looked at the paper Nicole left and it had twelve weeks on the paper. I sighed and looked at Liz.

She gave me a seductive smile and I sighed quietly. This is going to be a long three months.

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