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"Mrs. Jackson, what a surprise." Nicole said and let me in.

"Babe, who was a the door?!" A guy yelled.

Another reason why I don't like this girl.

They haven't been together for two weeks and she's already with someone else. She was probably with this guy while she was with Michael.

She lead me into the kitchen and I saw a guy.

"Franklin, this is Michael's mother. Katie, this Franklin." She introduced us.

I shook his hand and he had a feminine hand shake.

"Nice to meet you." He said.

I nodded my head in response.

"Are you here to see Shay and Michael?" Nicole asked.

"Yes, if you don't mind." I said.

"They're in the playroom. I'm sure you remember where it is." She said and I made my way to it.

I went inside and they were playing.

They gave me a hug and I looked at them.

"Do you two want to see daddy?" I asked. Shay's face lit up and Junior nodded. "Okay, we have to be very quiet."

I know, I'm wrong to take my grandchildren, but she has no right to keep them from their father.

"Bye, Nicole. See you next time!" I called.

"Okay, bye!" She said back.

I got them safely in the car and made my way back to my house.

I don't believe Katherine would do this.

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