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I feel kind of bad for getting mad at Michael, but he deserved it. I don't want this party at all. I just want a little celebration.

"Nic?" Michael asked. I looked up from the bed and rolled back over. "Nicole, I'm sorry. I cancelled the whole thing."

I didn't say anything, resulting in him sighing and walking out.

My phone went off and I checked it.

"Happy Birthday, beautiful. You may not know who this is, but I still know all about you. Remember you're mine and I'm coming to get you."

After reading that, I panicked.

What if this person comes and hurts my kids, family, or even Michael?

"Michael!" I screamed.

It didn't take him long to come up and bust in the room.

"What's wrong?" He said out of breath.

"Here." I said and held out my phone to him.

He read it and instantly frowned.

"Who is this?" He asked.

"If I knew, I would tell you." I said smartly.

"Look, whoever this person is isn't going to hurt you." He said, wrapping his arms around me.

I hugged him back and nodded. "What if something happens?"

"Then I'll be right there." He said and smiled. "Now, instead of that big birthday party, how about you come downstairs with me, so we can celebrate with our families?"

I smiled and pecked his lips. "Of course, Michael."

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