MWBF 129

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"Daddy, s-stop!" Shay squealed.

I picked her up and she smiled at me.

I love her so much and I'm happy she is mine.

The door opened quickly. Stacy ran in all dramatically and looked at me.

"Michael! Oh my gosh, I thought you were seriously hurt." Stacy said and hugged me.

Shay pushed her away and held her wrist.

I put her on the bed and looked at Stacy.

"My girlfriend wouldn't like you're here." I stated and Shay grabbed my arm.

Stacy frowned at her and quickly smiled.

"She's not here. She's just so adorable, she even favors you."

"She does, doesn't she? Just be happy she doesn't look like her mother." Mother said.

Krista bit her tongue and looked at me.

"I hope she looks like Nicole. Nikki is beautiful and Shané will be, too." I said and Shay smiled.

"Mommy!" Shay shrieked, making me look the direction of the door.

"Hi, baby." Nikki said and came in all the way with crutches.

I got up and helped her to the bed.

She looked up and saw Stacy.

She hates Stacy and I know she's about to be pissed at me.

"Why are you here?" She asked Stacy.

"You caused him to get in a wreck and I had to come see him." She said and smiled at me.

"I didn't cause shit." Nicole gritted.

I gave Shay my phone to distract her.

"She didn't do anything. That driver hit us and we hit the other car. If anything, it's my fault." I said.

"Mikey, she's not good for you." Stacy said.

"Get out." I said.

She frowned and Mother spoke up.

"That's not a way to talk to her." Mother said.

"She is not going to disrespect Nicole. I don't care who she is. Mother, I want you to stop as well." I said, calmly.

Nicole grabbed my hand and I pointed to the door.

Stacy huffed and stormed out.

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