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"These are this week's shots for the whole photography department." I said as I handed Krista the big, yellow envelopes.

"Thank you, Micha-"

She was cut short by Nick and Chris busting in.

"Nicole and Tatiana are in trouble!" Nick yelled.


"Nikki called and said someone was trying to break into my house." Nick said.

We got up and went to our cars. Chris drove his parents, while Nick rode with me.


When we got there, the door was kicked opened.

"Nick, thank goodness you're here, now." A lady said. "I saw two guys and a girl trying to get in. I knew Tatiana and Nicole was home with the babies, so I called 911."

I went in and looked around. "Nicole!"

"Michael." I turned around and Tatiana fell into my arms. I moved her hair and looked at her face.

"What happened to your face?" I asked.

"He hit me and I think, Nicole."

Nick walked in and I sat her on the couch.

"S-she's upstairs."

Chris and I went up there and Nicole was on the floor.

"Baby, get up." I said, cradling her in my arms.

She groaned and opened her eyes.

"Michael." She hugged me tightly and I hugged her back.

Chris picked up something and Nicole gasped.

"Where's Jaden?" Chris asked.

"He took my baby!" She shouted.

I frowned. "Who?"

She started crying and Chris opened what he picked up.

"Isn't Mr. Wellington your old boss?" She nodded.
"He has him."

I got up and walked out to my car.

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