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"Nicole, you're doing great." Michael cheered.

"Ahh." She screamed while pushing.

She stopped to pant and Michael rubbed her hair.

The doctor looked up at her and tapped her leg. "Mrs. Jackson, he's almost here. Just give me one last push, please?"

Nicole nodded and held Michael's hand. She gave one last push and they could hear the baby cry.

Michael went to cut the umbilical cord and they took him away after. Michael took off his gloves and pulled his mask down.

The nurse came and gave him to Nicole.

"Congratulations." She said and took the tray away.

The doctor finished sewing her up and Michael looked at her.

"He's beautiful, Michael." She said with her voice cracking.

Michael touched his little hand and smiled, before letting a few tears fall.

Nicole saw this and she smiled.

"He is. Just like his beautiful mother." Michael said and she puckered her lips. He kissed her softly and rested his forehead on hers.

"What are we going to name him, baby?" She asked.

"Whatever you want." He said.

"Jaden Kamdyn Jackson." She suggested.

She gave him to Michael and he gladly took him.

"Hi, Jaden. I'm your daddy." Michael said and Nicole laid down. "Take a nap, since he's about to take one."

She nodded and went to bed, while Michael put Jaden to sleep.

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