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Nicole is scared and I wasn't trying to make her be.

"Michael." My mother came up and hugged me.

I hugged everyone in my family.

I introduced Nicole and our kids and they accepted them, which is a good thing.

"Michael, are you going to stay with Tatiana?" My mother asked.

"If this baby isn't mine, no. I love Nicole and want her." I pecked Nicole's lips and she smiled.

"I love you, too." She said and laid on my shoulder, well arm since she's little.

We talked for awhile and went to go eat.

Shané never left my side. She stayed in my lap and played with her doll silently.

"She doesn't talk much." Rebbie stated.

"She got a shy trait and I'm guessing she got it from her daddy." Nicole said.

I rolled my eyes and they agreed with her.


I know that voice.

I was about to get up, until Nicole pressed her lips on mine and wrapped her arms around my neck.

"What the hell?!" Tatiana said.

Nicole pulled back and looked at her.

I moved away from Nicole and gave an apologetic look.

She nodded at me and looked down.

I hate when I have to go against her.

Two new chapters Always and Forever will be up tonight.

My Wife's Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now