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At lunch after they finish eating.

"Start explaining." Tatiana said, laying her head on Michael's shoulder.

"Well at five, my mom and dad got in a huge fight because she wanted to do her little design store. My dad was totally against it, so he moved Nick, Christian, and I to another part of California. That's when I met you." Nicole said.

"Why didn't you tell me she was your mother?" Tatiana asked.

"I didn't want you to see me different. She said she had a daughter named Nikki. We were nerds then and I thought you'd figure it out and look at me different."

"Babe, you're friends with a liar." Michael said.

Tatiana sighed. "Nikki, I know why you did it. It was actually pretty smart." She smiled.

"My baby was a nerd." Adrian said, kissing Nicole's cheek.

"You're dating her, Adrian?" Michael asked, kinda pissed.

Nicole and Adrian looked at each other and said no.

"You seemed mad when you said that." Tatiana said, looking up at him.

"Na, just curious, babe." Michael said, pecking her lips.

"I need a refill." Nicole said, getting up. "Anyone else?"

"They charge a dollar for refills." Adrian said.

"Mine will be free. Come on, Tat." Nicole said.

"We'll do whatever y'all want, if y'all get that free refill." Adrian said and Michael agreed.

"Let's do some acting." Tatiana said, following her to the cash register.

"Hi, I need a refill." Nicole told him, putting her cup down.

"That will be a dollar." He replied.

"No, it'll be free." Nicole challenged and he told her the same thing. "Where's your manager? Get him now."

He left and came back with the manager.

"May I help you, miss?" The manager asked.

"Mister, we was charged for a refill." Tatiana said.

"Yes, we charge for refills." He said.

"I don't have a dollar, my friends had to pay for my food. I just lost my boyfriend. He's threatening to take everything, and I, I," Nicole stopped to let out fake tears.

"Look at what you did to her." Tatiana said, playing along.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. It's on the house." The manager said and looked at Nicole. "You look like Krista Smith."

"I'm her daughter." Nicole said, wiping her fake tears.

"Well, you two can have free refills, whenever you want." He said and left.

They walked back to the table after they got the refills and waved them in the boys face, making them silently cursed.

This chapter is like a flashback of when they were younger and used to scheme people to get want they wanted when they wanted it. Longest one so far.

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