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I haven't heard from Michael at all.

I know he's out, because I went up there and he was gone.

I went by Krista's and Nicole's. Nicole claims she hasn't seen him since earlier. Krista said she got him out and he left her house right before I came over.

My phone rung and I answered.

"Michael, where the hell are you?" I said.

"This is Nick."

I quickly calmed down.

"Hi, Nick."

"Just checking on you and the baby."

Nick knows this baby might be his and I know it, too.

Michael and I went to the doctor two years ago to find out why I wasn't getting pregnant.

The results came back and Michael's soldier don't march. Meaning, he has a low sperm count, so that's why I don't think Nicole had his baby.

"We're fine." I said.

"Can you come over? I'm quite lonely here." He asked.

I accepted and hung up.

I know Michael probably won't be home for awhile.

He's probably staying at his brother's house.

I don't care, he can stay there for all I care.

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