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"I'm glad you could make it." Stacy said and hugged me.

I hugged her back and sat down when I pulled away.

"Is there a reason why you wanted me to come to lunch?" I asked and looked at the menu.

"Just wanted to see your sexy ass." She said, seductively.

"Stac, I hope you remember I have a girlfriend." I said and she shrugged.

"I'm a divorced woman and you're a divorced man. We were high school sweethearts and almost had a baby together." She said and grabbed my hand.

"You forgot I'm taken and not divorced." I said, pulling my hand away. "You're going to have to stop flirting or we can't see each other anymore."

She rolled her eyes and signal the waiter over. She gave him a smile and licked her lips.

"Can we get a bottle of vodka for our drinks?" She asked and the waiter wrote down.

"Stacy, I have to go back to work. I can lose my job if I show up tipsy." I said.

"Your dating the bosses' daughter and you're one of best employees. I doubt, she'll fire you."

"No." She sighed and still ordered it. "Stacy, maybe we could do lunch another time. I need to go get my phone and work on my photoshoot I'm doing."

"I guess, we can." She said and looked down.

"Bye, Stac." I said and kissed her cheek.

She put her hand on her cheek and I walked out.

I think, she wants things to pick up how we left them. That isn't going to happen because I have Nicole and my children. I'm not doing something stupid, then regret it later. I think it'll be best if me and Stacy kept our distance.

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