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Nicole's parents left to go back up to her job, while Adrian and I stayed with her.

I told Tatiana the meeting will run late and Krista confirmed it for me.

"Is this the first time he's touched you?" I asked, rubbing her thigh.

She put her hand on mine and shook her head no.

"Nic, why didn't you tell us?" Adrian asked.

She shrugged and looked at me.

I leaned in and kissed her.

She hesitated to kiss me back, but eventually she did.

I looked out the corner of my eye and saw Adrian shaking his head.

"Mommy!" Nicole's kids walked in with her cousin, Malik and she pushed me back.

"Hi, my little angels."

Malik picked them up and put them on the bed.

She hugged and kissed them.

"Why is there lipstick all over your lips, Jackson?" Malik asked me.

I shrugged and Nicole spoke up, until he cut her off.

"He left you, Nicole." Malik said and she looked down.

"I didn't leave her." I said.

Malik frowned and looked at her then back to me.

"Those are your kids." He said.

"Malik!" Nicole yelled at him.

I looked at her and she was glaring at him.

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