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A Month Later


Today the office is closed because Krista is out of town. It's shocking because she normally leaves it open.

"Nick, please pick up." I said to myself.

I dial his number for the third time and he still didn't answer.

I got hit with another painful contraction and I quickly sat on the couch.

I dial Nicole's number and she didn't pick up either.

Why won't they pick up?

I tried Michael's and he answered on the fourth ring.


"I'm having painful contractions." I said, hissing as another came.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Come and take me to the hospital."

"I'm on my way." He said.

I'm hoping he's out and not at home. Him and Nicole live thirty to forty five minutes away.


Twenty minutes later, he finally pulled up and I walked outside.

He helped me in the car and I smiled.

"Where's Nick?" He asked and started driving.

I shrugged and rubbed my stomach.

He reached his hand over and rubbed my stomach.

"Where's Nicole?" I asked.

"Hell if I know. She left early this morning, with the twins and I haven't heard from her." He said, pulling into the hospital.

He parked and came over to my side. I got out and felt pain.

"My water broke." I whispered and held on to him.

He helped me inside and I sat in the nearest seat.

Out of all days, my water decided to break on my day off. It could've broke last month when I was due.

"My wife's water just broke!" Michael yelled.

He hasn't called me his wife in a long time, but I guess I still am his wife.

A few nurse came and took me away.

I requested Michael be with me and that said they'll get him.

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