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"Hello, everyone." Michael smiled and waved.

They all waved back to him.

"I think you forgot this." Michael said, handing Nicole her phone.

She took it and gulped.

"Did you two enjoy, the sound of me and Tatiana?" Michael smirked and Nicole slapped him.

"It reminded me of having sex with you." She said, then smiled.

Michael turned around and saw Tatiana.

"Hi, best friend." Nicole waved at her and smiled.

"You were listening to us have sex? Are you that desperate, bitch?" Tatiana said.

"I could've had Michael in my bed yesterday, oops." Nicole smirked.

"You went to go see her yesterday, Michael?" Tatiana questioned him.

"No, her daughter ran into me and I took her back to Nicole. I didn't know she was hers." Michael said, standing by Tatiana.

"Well, Michael and Tatiana, I would hate to break up two up, but we have some news." Malik said and Kristina pulled out her phone.

"Michael, is this or is this not your wife kissing Nick earlier before you got home?" Kristina showed Michael and he pulled away from Tatiana.

Nicole sat on the couch and played with her fingers.

"What the hell, Tatiana? First, you sleep with him and now you're letting him tongue you down?!" Michael yelled at her.

"It was a setup, Nicole planned all this."

Nicole looked at her and rolled her eyes.

"Now Michael, I'm sure you'll forgive her, like she did you, but this news." Malik laughed. "I doubt she will."

Michael and Tatiana both frowned at him.

"Nicole was pregnant." They both shrugged. "With Michael's baby." Malik finished.

Only updating because of his birthday. Sorry, but keep reading, sharing, voting, and commenting.

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