MWBF 106

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I just got home. Earlier I found out Nicole went home early. She didn't tell me why she went home or when she left.

"Nic!" I yelled.

Junior ran in and put his finger to his mouth.

I pick him up and set my keys down.

"Shhh." He said and I nodded.

"Where's mommy?" I asked.

He pointed to the living room and I went in there. When we got in there, Nicole was softly singing to Shay and Franklin was watching TV.

She stopped when she seen me. "Hey, baby."

"Hi." I looked over at Franklin and he bit his lip. He claims he doesn't, but he has a thing for me.

"Shay is sick." Nicole said.

I went over to her and sat down.

"Poor baby." I said. "Your parents are keeping them, so I need you to get ready."

"Our daughter is sick and you want me to leave?"

"Nicole, Michael, I'm going to go." Franklin said and walked out.

"Nicole, I'm not saying that."

"Yes, you are. I'm not even going to the damn party." She said.

"I didn't work hard and waste my time planning this is." I said.

She got up and walked to the kitchen.

I followed her.

"You did waste your time. You didn't ask what I wanted." She said.

"Nicole, I did this out of kindness."

"Good for you. Enjoy my party because I'm not going." She said and walked upstairs.

I went to go sit with Shané.

I just spent a lot of money on this and she doesn't even want to go. Maybe I should've just asked.

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